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TechGroup Combat.svg Combat

Combat Technologies create combat Units capable of more effectively resolving disputes the hard way with your neighbors (or Beasts).

Archery Range

Tech Combat Archery Range.png
Archery Range
Health: 300
Builders: 6
Tech Group:Starting
Chance to Appear:8.7%
Single Use: Yes

Train archers that shoot arrows quickly.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Archers are ranged combat units that deal a small amount of damage at range. Their accuracy and range are somewhat limited, but they are useful in larger numbers.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material)
  • Consumes: Brave (Unit)
  • Produces: Archer (Unit)
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 4x4
  • Properties: Symbol None.svg
  • Unique Combinations:
Archery Range (Combat Technology) + Braided Rope (Passive Technology) = Longbow Archery (Unique Technology)
Archery Range (Combat Technology) + Bamboo Focus (Passive Technology) = Longbow Archery (Unique Technology)
Archery Range (Combat Technology) + Lightfootedness (Passive Technology) = Longbow Archery (Unique Technology)
Archery Range (Combat Technology) + Sprout Shades (Resources Technology) = Longbow Archery (Unique Technology)
Archery Range (Combat Technology) + Potted Bamboo (Resources Technology) = Longbow Archery (Unique Technology)

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Tech Combat Barracks.png
Health: 300
Builders: 6
Tech Group:Starting
Chance to Appear:9.6%
Single Use: Yes

A melee warrior equipped with a sword and shield.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Warriors are melee combat Units with decent attack and defense. Warriors are the most balanced and versatile combat Unit.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material)
  • Consumes: Brave (Unit)
  • Produces: Warrior (Unit)
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 4x4
  • Properties: Symbol None.svg
  • Unique Combinations:
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Log Tents (Shelter Technology) = Axe Barracks (Unique Technology)
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Sauna (Development Technology) = Axe Barracks (Unique Technology)
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Sharpened Axes (Passive Technology) = Axe Barracks (Unique Technology)
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Runed Axes (Passive Technology) = Axe Barracks (Unique Technology)
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Beast War Drum (Beast Technology) = Axe Barracks (Unique Technology)
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Adobe Oven (Resources Technology) = Shield Barracks (Unique Technology)
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Stone Mine (Resources Technology) = Shield Barracks (Unique Technology)
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Bricks Quarry (Resources Technology) = Shield Barracks (Unique Technology)
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Stone Soup (Passive Technology) = Shield Barracks (Unique Technology)

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Tech Combat Bowyer.png
Health: 300
Builders: 3
Karma Cost:2
Tech Group:Group 5
Chance to Appear:7%
Single Use: No

Produces Archers from Bamboo in a house attachment.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

The Bowyer is the attachment form of the Archery Range. While it doesn't produce Archers as quickly, it can do so without converting a Brave and multiple Bowyers may be built.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Bamboo (Material)
  • Consumes: Bamboo (Material)
  • Produces: Archer (Unit)
  • Special Placement: Attachment
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Attachment.svg Attachment: This structure attaches to a house and overrides its production.
  • Unique Combinations:
Bowyer (Combat Technology) + Braided Rope (Passive Technology) = Longbow Bowyer (Unique Technology)
Bowyer (Combat Technology) + Bamboo Focus (Passive Technology) = Longbow Bowyer (Unique Technology)
Bowyer (Combat Technology) + Lightfootedness (Passive Technology) = Longbow Bowyer (Unique Technology)
Bowyer (Combat Technology) + Potted Bamboo (Resources Technology) = Longbow Bowyer (Unique Technology)
Bowyer (Combat Technology) + Sprout Shades (Resources Technology) = Longbow Bowyer (Unique Technology)

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Grenade Wright

Tech Combat Grenade Wright.png
Grenade Wright
Health: 200
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:2
Tech Group:Group 5
Chance to Appear:5.2%
Single Use: No

Produces Grenadiers from Blastpowder in a house attachment.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

The Grenade Wright is the attachment form of the Grenadier Calefactor. While it doesn't produce Grenadiers as quickly, it can do so without converting a Brave and multiple Grenade Wrights may be built.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Clay (Material)
  • Consumes: Blastpowder (Material)
  • Produces: Grenadier (Unit)
  • Special Placement: Attachment
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Attachment.svg Attachment: This structure attaches to a house and overrides its production.
  • Unique Combinations:
Grenade Wright (Combat Technology) + Firetower Hearth (Development Technology) = Firebomb Wright (Unique Technology)
Grenade Wright (Combat Technology) + Enchanted Firejars (Passive Technology) = Firebomb Wright (Unique Technology)
Grenade Wright (Combat Technology) + Walker Firebombs (Beast Technology) = Firebomb Wright (Unique Technology)
Grenade Wright (Combat Technology) + Warding Apiary (Development Technology) = Beebomb Wright (Unique Technology)
Grenade Wright (Combat Technology) + Towering Bee-boxes (Unique Technology) = Beebomb Wright (Unique Technology)
Grenade Wright (Combat Technology) + Ceramic Workshop (Resources Technology) = Acidbomb Wright (Unique Technology)
Grenade Wright (Combat Technology) + Ceramics Production (Resources Technology) = Acidbomb Wright (Unique Technology)
Grenade Wright (Combat Technology) + Glassblower Dome (Resources Technology) = Acidbomb Wright (Unique Technology)
Grenade Wright (Combat Technology) + Snail Bridles (Passive Technology) = Acidbomb Wright (Unique Technology)

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Grenadier Calefactor

Tech Combat Grenadier Calefactor.png
Grenadier Calefactor
Health: 300
Builders: 6
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group:Group 2
Chance to Appear:4.3%
Single Use: Yes

Train Grenadiers that throw bombs that do high damage to structures but minimal splash damage to units.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Grenadiers are useful combat units that deal a tremendous amount of damage, but can be slow to fire and a bit difficult to use effectively. Since their bombs travel in an arc, and they don't lead targets, they're best used on buildings and other stationary targets.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Blastpowder (Material) Blastpowder (Material) Blastpowder (Material) Blastpowder (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material)
  • Consumes: Brave (Unit)
  • Produces: Grenadier (Unit)
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 4x4
  • Properties: Symbol None.svg
  • Unique Combinations:
Grenadier Calefactor (Combat Technology) + Firetower Hearth (Development Technology) = Fire Bombs (Unique Technology)
Grenadier Calefactor (Combat Technology) + Enchanted Firejars (Passive Technology) = Fire Bombs (Unique Technology)
Grenadier Calefactor (Combat Technology) + Walker Firebombs (Beast Technology) = Fire Bombs (Unique Technology)
Grenadier Calefactor (Combat Technology) + Warding Apiary (Development Technology) = Bee Bombs (Unique Technology)
Grenadier Calefactor (Combat Technology) + Towering Bee-boxes (Unique Technology) = Bee Bombs (Unique Technology)
Grenadier Calefactor (Combat Technology) + Ceramic Workshop (Resources Technology) = Acid Bombs (Unique Technology)
Grenadier Calefactor (Combat Technology) + Ceramics Production (Resources Technology) = Acid Bombs (Unique Technology)
Grenadier Calefactor (Combat Technology) + Glassblower Dome (Resources Technology) = Acid Bombs (Unique Technology)
Grenadier Calefactor (Combat Technology) + Snail Bridles (Passive Technology) = Acid Bombs (Unique Technology)

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Tech Combat Library.png
Health: 400
Builders: 3
Karma Cost:2
Tech Group:Group 5
Chance to Appear:5.2%
Single Use: No

Produces Priests from Fabric in a house attachment.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

The Library is the attachment form of the Temple. While it doesn't produce Priests as quickly, it can do so without converting a Brave and multiple Libraries may be built.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Fabric (Material) Fabric (Material)
  • Consumes: Fabric (Material)
  • Produces: Priest (Unit)
  • Special Placement: Attachment
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Attachment.svg Attachment: This structure attaches to a house and overrides its production.
  • Unique Combinations:
Library (Combat Technology) + Beast Incense Emitter (Beast Technology) = Incense Recepticle (Unique Technology)
Library (Combat Technology) + Incense (Passive Technology) = Incense Recepticle (Unique Technology)
Library (Combat Technology) + Incense Diffuser (Development Technology) = Incense Recepticle (Unique Technology)

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Tech Combat Powderstack.png
Health: 400
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:2
Tech Group:Group 5
Chance to Appear:5.2%
Single Use: No

Produces riflemen from Blastpowder in a house attachment.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

The Powderstack is the attachment form of the Rifle Casern. While it doesn't produce Rifles as quickly, it can do so without converting a Brave and multiple Powderstacks may be built.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Bamboo (Material)
  • Consumes: Bamboo (Material)
  • Produces: Archer (Unit)
  • Special Placement: Attachment
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Attachment.svg Attachment: This structure attaches to a house and overrides its production.
  • Unique Combinations:
Powderstack (Combat Technology) + Cloudcatcher (Development Technology) = Whitebarrel Rifles (Unique Technology)
Powderstack (Combat Technology) + Reefshot (Combat Technology) = Whitebarrel Rifles (Unique Technology)
Powderstack (Combat Technology) + Seamine (Combat Technology) = Whitebarrel Rifles (Unique Technology)
Powderstack (Combat Technology) + Lightning Totem (Protection Technology) = Whitebarrel Rifles (Unique Technology)
Powderstack (Combat Technology) + Firetower Hearth (Development Technology) = Firelance Rifles (Unique Technology)
Powderstack (Combat Technology) + Glassblower Dome (Resources Technology) = Firelance Rifles (Unique Technology)
Powderstack (Combat Technology) + Enchanted Firejars (Passive Technology) = Firelance Rifles (Unique Technology)
Powderstack (Combat Technology) + Walker Firebombs (Beast Technology) = Firelance Rifles (Unique Technology)

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Tech Combat Reefshot.png
Health: 400
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:4
Tech Group:Group 3
Chance to Appear:5.2%
Single Use: Yes

A cannon on the edge of the water that attacks approaching boats.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

A Reefshot is a structure that sits on a shoreline and will automatically defend it from any hostile units (boats or otherwise). It is, however, limited to shooting only in the 180° arc in the direction it is built.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Clay (Material) Clay (Material) Blastpowder (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Over Water
  • Footprint: 1x2
  • Properties:
Tech Passive Structure Safety.svg Placed Over Water: Can only be placed on a ledge partially over water.
  • Unique Combinations:
Rifle Casern (Combat Technology) + Reefshot (Combat Technology) = Whitebarrel Casern (Unique Technology)
Powderstack (Combat Technology) + Reefshot (Combat Technology) = Whitebarrel Rifles (Unique Technology)

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Rifle Casern

Tech Combat Rifle Casern.png
Rifle Casern
Health: 300
Builders: 6
Karma Cost:4
Tech Group:Group 3
Chance to Appear:5.2%
Single Use: Yes

Train a rifleman that shoots a powerful, direct shot.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Rifles are ranged units with long range that deal high damage per shot. Their accuracy and fire rate are lower than other ranged units to accommodate.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Blastpowder (Material) Blastpowder (Material) Logs (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material)
  • Consumes: Brave (Unit)
  • Produces: Rifle (Unit)
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 4x4
  • Properties: Symbol None.svg
  • Unique Combinations:
Rifle Casern (Combat Technology) + Cloudcatcher (Development Technology) = Whitebarrel Casern (Unique Technology)
Rifle Casern (Combat Technology) + Reefshot (Combat Technology) = Whitebarrel Casern (Unique Technology)
Rifle Casern (Combat Technology) + Seamine (Combat Technology) = Whitebarrel Casern (Unique Technology)
Rifle Casern (Combat Technology) + Lightning Totem (Protection Technology) = Whitebarrel Casern (Unique Technology)
Rifle Casern (Combat Technology) + Firetower Hearth (Development Technology) = Firelance Casern (Unique Technology)
Rifle Casern (Combat Technology) + Glassblower Dome (Resources Technology) = Firelance Casern (Unique Technology)

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Tech Combat Seamine.png
Health: 50
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group:Group 3
Chance to Appear:5.2%
Single Use: No

A slow, floating mine that can be manually controlled and detonates when anything floats over it!
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Building a Seamine simply constructs the Unit. Built in the water, Seamines can be directed to sit in the path of incoming boats and will blow up on impact, instantly destroying it and killing all of the Units riding it.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Bamboo (Material) Fabric (Material) Blastpowder (Material) Blastpowder (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: Seamine (Unit)
  • Special Placement: Water
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Water.svg Placed in Water: Can only be placed on water.
  • Unique Combinations:
Rifle Casern (Combat Technology) + Seamine (Combat Technology) = Whitebarrel Casern (Unique Technology)
Powderstack (Combat Technology) + Seamine (Combat Technology) = Whitebarrel Rifles (Unique Technology)

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Spear Laager

Tech Combat Spear Laager.png
Spear Laager
Health: 300
Builders: 6
Karma Cost:4
Tech Group:Group 1
Chance to Appear:7%
Single Use: Yes

Trains a spearman that can attack at a distance.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Spears are melee combat Units that attack targets twice as far away as other melee units.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material)
  • Consumes: Brave (Unit)
  • Produces: Spear (Unit)
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 4x4
  • Properties: Symbol None.svg
  • Unique Combinations:
Spear Laager (Combat Technology) + Defensive Spikes (Passive Technology) = Halberdier Garrison (Unique Technology)

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Tech Combat Spearsmith.png
Health: 200
Builders: 3
Karma Cost:2
Tech Group:Group 5
Chance to Appear:7%
Single Use: No

Produces spearmen from Bamboo in a house attachment.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

The Spearsmith is the attachment form of the Spear Laager. While it doesn't produce Spears as quickly, it can do so without converting a Brave and multiple Spearsmiths may be built.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Bamboo (Material)
  • Consumes: Bamboo (Material)
  • Produces: Spear (Unit)
  • Special Placement: Attachment
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Attachment.svg Attachment: This structure attaches to a house and overrides its production.
  • Unique Combinations:
Spearsmith (Combat Technology) + Defensive Spikes (Passive Technology) = Bardiche (Unique Technology)

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Tech Combat Stable.png
Health: 300
Builders: 6
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group:Group 2
Chance to Appear:4.3%
Single Use: Yes

Train Beastmasters that can tame wild animals and ride them.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

While Braves can tame Beasts, they take quite some time to do so. Beastmasters are specialized for the taming of Beasts, and tame them much more quickly. They also have limited melee attack strength if needed.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Logs (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Logs (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material)
  • Consumes: Brave (Unit)
  • Produces: Beastmaster (Unit)
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 4x4
  • Properties: None

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Tech Combat Swordsmith.png
Health: 300
Builders: 3
Karma Cost:2
Tech Group:Group 5
Chance to Appear:7.8%
Single Use: No

Produces Warriors from Logs in a house attachment.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

The Swordsmith is the attachment form of the Barracks. While it doesn't produce Warriors as quickly, it can do so without converting a Brave and multiple Swordsmiths may be built.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Bamboo (Material)
  • Consumes: Logs (Material)
  • Produces: Warrior (Unit)
  • Special Placement: Attachment
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Attachment.svg Attachment: This structure attaches to a house and overrides its production.
  • Unique Combinations:
Swordsmith (Combat Technology) + Log Tents (Shelter Technology) = Axesmith (Unique Technology)
Swordsmith (Combat Technology) + Sauna (Development Technology) = Axesmith (Unique Technology)
Swordsmith (Combat Technology) + Sharpened Axes (Passive Technology) = Axesmith (Unique Technology)
Swordsmith (Combat Technology) + Runed Axes (Passive Technology) = Axesmith (Unique Technology)
Swordsmith (Combat Technology) + Beast War Drum (Beast Technology) = Axesmith (Unique Technology)
Swordsmith (Combat Technology) + Adobe Oven (Resources Technology) = Shieldsmith (Unique Technology)
Swordsmith (Combat Technology) + Stone Mine (Resources Technology) = Shieldsmith (Unique Technology)
Swordsmith (Combat Technology) + Bricks Quarry (Resources Technology) = Shieldsmith (Unique Technology)
Swordsmith (Combat Technology) + Stone Soup (Passive Technology) = Shieldsmith (Unique Technology)

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Tech Combat Temple.png
Health: 300
Builders: 6
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group:Group 3
Chance to Appear:4.3%
Single Use: Yes

A priest that converts other units to our side, 5 at a time.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Priests have limited damaging attack strength, but are able to instead convert units from hostile villages to yours. Utilizing Priests is a little tricky, but generally as long as they're within range of a hostile Unit a Priest will start the conversion process. Units being converted sit down and have a book icon above their heads.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Chosen Walls (Material) Fabric (Material) Fabric (Material)Blastpowder (Material) Logs (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material)
  • Consumes: Brave (Unit)
  • Produces: Priest (Unit)
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 4x4
  • Properties: Symbol None.svg
  • Unique Combinations:
Temple (Combat Technology) + Beast Incense Emitter (Beast Technology) = Incense Chapel (Unique Technology)
Temple (Combat Technology) + Incense (Passive Technology) = Incense Chapel (Unique Technology)
Temple (Combat Technology) + Incense Diffuser (Development Technology) = Incense Chapel (Unique Technology)

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Tech Combat Whiptwister.png
Health: 300
Builders: 3
Karma Cost:2
Tech Group:Group 5
Chance to Appear:5.2%
Single Use: No

Produces Beastmasters from Food in a house attachment.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

The Whiptwister is the attachment form of the Stable. While it doesn't produce Beastmasters as quickly, it can do so without converting a Brave and multiple Whiptwisters may be built.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Bamboo (Material) Bamboo (Material)
  • Consumes: Food (Material)
  • Produces: Beastmaster (Unit)
  • Special Placement: Attachment
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Attachment.svg Attachment: This structure attaches to a house and overrides its production.

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