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TechGroup Protection.svg Protection

Protection Technologies are specific to keeping your village, its people, and the Materials within it safe from climate hazards (such as fire).

Cliff Awning

Tech Protection Cliff Awning.png
Cliff Awning
Health: 150
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:1
Tech Group:Group 1
Chance to Appear:8.9%
Single Use: No

Attaches to a cliffside and protects whatever's below from the elements.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Cliff Awnings allow structures and Materials to be protected from rain- and snowfall, regardless of their build Materials.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Fabric (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Inside Cliff
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Bonus Rainproof.png Rainproof: Roof fully protects against rain.
Icon Placement Inside Cliff.svg Placed Inside Cliff: Can only be placed along a cliff face.
  • Unique Combinations:
Cliff Awning (Protection Technology) + Frilled House (Shelter Technology) = Round Umbrella (Unique Technology)
Cliff Awning (Protection Technology) + Clay Spire House (Shelter Technology) = Round Umbrella (Unique Technology)
Cliff Awning (Protection Technology) + Embedded Home (Shelter Technology) = Round Umbrella (Unique Technology)
Cliff Awning (Protection Technology) + Isolated Home (Shelter Technology) = Round Umbrella (Unique Technology)
Cliff Awning (Protection Technology) + Clay Huts (Shelter Technology) = Round Umbrella (Unique Technology)
Cliff Awning (Protection Technology) + Thatched Huts (Shelter Technology) = Round Umbrella (Unique Technology)
Cliff Awning (Protection Technology) + Log Tents (Shelter Technology) = Round Umbrella (Unique Technology)

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Cloud Popper

Tech Protection Cloud Popper.png
Cloud Popper
Health: 100
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:2
Tech Group:Group 1
Chance to Appear:6.4%
Single Use: Yes

A balloon that destroys clouds it comes in contact with high in the sky.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Cloud Poppers are able to completely destroy any cloud that comes near it, subject to wind direction. However, each Cloud Popper is single-use and must be rebuilt after popping a cloud.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Fabric (Material) Fabric (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 3x3
  • Properties: None

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Isolation Tower

Tech Protection Isolation Tower.png
Isolation Tower
Health: 1000
Builders: 1
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group:Blueprint
Chance to Appear:7.6%
Single Use: Yes

A tall tower to keep your Thinker away from harm and give them some peace and quiet.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

An Isolation Tower protects any Thinker that cloisters themselves inside, even from area-of-effect damage such as grenades or ranged attacks like bows or rifles. Thinkers are still vulnerable to natural effects such as wind or fire, however. Any friendly Thinker can reside inside an Isolation Tower, including rescued Thinkers or Thinkers from befriended villages.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Logs (Material) Bricks (Material) Bricks (Material) Bricks (Material) Bricks (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 3x3
  • Properties: None

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Jar of Amnesia

Tech Protection Jar of Amnesia.png
Jar of Amnesia
Health: 10
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:5
Chance to Appear:3.8%
Single Use: Yes

When broken, fills the area with powerful amnesia ending combat and animosity and causing everyone to return home.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

A Jar of Amnesia is a powerful defensive structure that will immediately end combat and force all units to return to their home Hearth. Of particular note, this applies to both friendly and hostile units, so be careful when placing the Jar so as to minimize disruptions in production.

Units equipped with Warding Headbands are immune to the effects of a Jar of Amnesia.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Ceramics (Material) Ceramics (Material) Ceramics (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Bonus Amnesia.png Amnesia: This powerful gas causes everyone in the area to forget what they are doing and return to their home towns.

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Lightning Totem

Tech Protection Lightning Totem.png
Lightning Totem
Health: 500
Builders: 3
Karma Cost:4
Tech Group:Group 1
Chance to Appear:7.6%
Single Use: No

Absorbs lightning strikes, protecting your town from fires.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Lightning totems redirect any lightning strikes within a given area, preventing them from starting fires. However, any unit that happens to be standing nearby will get a jolt, so be careful when placing them to avoid taking damage!

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Tech Protection Lightning Totem.png Absorbs Lightning: Absorbs lightning strikes, protecting your town from fires.
  • Unique Combinations:
Rifle Casern (Combat Technology) + Lightning Totem (Protection Technology) = Whitebarrel Casern (Unique Technology)
Powderstack (Combat Technology) + Lightning Totem (Protection Technology) = Whitebarrel Rifles (Unique Technology)

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Rain Collector

Tech Protection Rain Collector.png
Rain Collector
Health: 150
Builders: 1
Karma Cost:2
Tech Group:Starting
Chance to Appear:8.9%
Single Use: No

Store rain water to fight fires.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Rain Collectors will fill with water when rained on, giving your Braves a source of water for firefighting. In addition, Rain Collectors will fertilize nearby soil when they're full, making them a useful addition to a farming-based Food source.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Clay (Material) Clay (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Symbol Fire.svg Firefighting: A source of water to fight fires with.
Icon Bonus Quench Soil.png Quench Soil: Nearby soil becomes fertile when water is full.

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Tech Protection Shaduf.png
Health: 50
Builders: 1
Tech Group:Starting
Chance to Appear:12.8%
Single Use: No

A Bamboo mechanism to access water to fight fires.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Shadufs enable Braves to quickly and easily fight fires. However, a Shaduf must be placed on a cliff edge above water in order to collect water in its bucket. This water can be inland or on a shoreline. Placement of many Shadufs is key, since they are vulnerable to fire damage themselves!

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Bamboo (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Over Water
  • Footprint: 1x2
  • Properties:
Symbol Fire.svg Firefighting: A source of water to fight fires with.
Tech Passive Structure Safety.svg Placed Over Water: Can only be placed on a ledge partially over water.
  • Unique Combinations:
Shaduf (Protection Technology) + Fishing Tower (Food Technology) = Buckets of Fish (Unique Technology)
Shaduf (Protection Technology) + Fisherman's Warf (Food Technology) = Buckets of Fish (Unique Technology)
Shaduf (Protection Technology) + Fishing Net (Food Technology) = Buckets of Fish (Unique Technology)
Shaduf (Protection Technology) + Walker Fishing Platform (Food Technology) = Buckets of Fish (Unique Technology)
Shaduf (Protection Technology) + Haken House (Shelter Technology) = Buckets of Fish (Unique Technology)

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Town Walls

Tech Protection Town Walls.png
Town Walls
Health: 400
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group:Group 2
Chance to Appear:11.5%
Single Use: No

A wall that can keep your enemies out of your town.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Town Walls are physical barriers that block access. They are constructed segment-by-segment and have two straight segments (one with a gate) and one 90-degree corner segment. They can be very useful when trying to protect certain Beasts or your Thinker, or may be used to prevent your Braves from accidentally walking across an environmental hazard. Notably, Town Walls can only be placed on flat surfaces, and become less useful on hilly terrain.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Bricks (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 1x2
  • Properties:
Icon Bonus Has Variants.png Has Variants: Contains multiple variants (press Ctrl to swap between them).
Icon Footprint 2x2.svg Alternate Footprint (2x2): One or more variants of this technology has a footprint of 2x2 instead of the default footprint.

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Warding Lanterns

Tech Protection Warding Lanterns.png
Warding Lanterns
Health: 500
Builders: 3
Karma Cost:6
Tech Group:Group 3
Chance to Appear:7.6%
Single Use: No

Block ghosts of the dark from appearing near this lantern.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Warding Lanterns prevent any ghosts that spawn during the Night of the Dead Event from approaching. Placement of your Totems to account for future Lanterns helps prevent the ghosts from approaching your village at all.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Bamboo (Material) Fabric (Material) Fabric (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Resource Totem
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Bonus Next Generation.png Ghost Warding: No ghosts can approach this structure or spawn within its radius.
Icon Placement Resource Totem.svg Placed on Resource Totem: This structure attaches to a Resource Totem and affects the area within its radius.

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Water Syphon

Tech Protection Water Syphon.png
Water Syphon
Health: 50
Builders: 2
Tech Group:Starting
Chance to Appear:8.9%
Single Use: No

Add a convenient tap into Trunkwoods and cacti for easy access to water.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Water Syphons allow Braves to collect water from Trunkwoods and cacti, which is extremely useful on the Flatlands because of how dry and flammable everything is. Syphons placed into cacti are vulnerable, however, because when they take damage cacti will burst with a splash of water.

  • Prerequisites: Flatlands (Biome) or Greenleaf (Biome)
  • Build Materials: Bamboo (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Trunkwood or Cactus
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Symbol Fire.svg Firefighting: A source of water to fight fires with.
Icon Placement Trunkwood or Cactus.svg Placed on Trunkwood or Cactus: Can only be placed on a Trunkwood or living cactus.

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Tech Protection Well.png
Builders: 3
Tech Group:Starting
Chance to Appear:7.6%
Single Use: Yes

A deep well that produces water to fight fires.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

A Well enables Braves to quickly and easily fight fires. It is most useful when combating the Fire Season Event, since the fire always starts in a Shelter structure. Once built, a Well cannot be destroyed or moved.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Logs (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Symbol Fire.svg Firefighting: A source of water to fight fires with.
  • Unique Combinations:
Canal (Development Technology) + Well (Protection Technology) = Irrigation (Unique Technology)

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Tech Protection Windmill.png
Health: 400
Builders: 5
Karma Cost:2
Chance to Appear:7.6%
Single Use: Yes

A tall sail-tower to push clouds away, protecting your town.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

A windmill will activate when any clouds form (such as for the Rainstorm or Snowfall Events), pushing them away from your town. A Windmill can only affect one cloud formation at a time, however.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Fabric (Material) Fabric (Material) Fabric (Material) Logs (Material) Logs (Material) Bamboo (Material) Bamboo (Material) Clay (Material) Reeds (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 4x4 Diamond
  • Properties: Symbol None.svg
  • Unique Combinations:
Elevator (Movement Technology) + Windmill (Protection Technology) = Windmill Elevator (Unique Technology)
Drawbridge (Movement Technology) + Windmill (Protection Technology) = Windmill Drawbridge (Unique Technology)

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