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The technologies of Kainga are normally passed down from one generation to the next, but Thinkers have the unique ability to capture ideas from the past at illuminated sites of inspiration.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Technologies form the core of a civilization. They are granted to a Thinker via Ideas, found around the map as Inspiration.

Icon Lock.png Unlocking Technologies

Depending on what group a given Technology is a part of, it may need to be unlocked in the Karma Shop located in the Skyloft by spending Karma accrued by completing Challenges. The Starting group is unlocked upon launching the game for the first time, and many groups are available for purchase in the Skyloft immediately. Some groups, such as the Blueprint group, must be unlocked by completing a Quest.

Any Technology without an associated karma cost below is automatically unlocked with the group (if there isn't another special method needed to unlock it). If there is a karma cost, it must be purchased from the Karma Shop before it can be used in the Belowlands.

Icon Inspiration.png Discovering Technologies

Inspiration floating on Terraces.

Technologies can be discovered by sending a Thinker to Inspiration, floating orbs of light that contain Ideas. A beam of light also rises into the sky, aiding in finding Inspiration. A Thinker can think at Inspiration to discover a technology associated with that Inspiration.

Each Inspiration will have an icon associated with the type of technology its Idea can provide. When a player has their Thinker selected, these icons will be visible anywhere on the map. When a Thinker successfully thinks of an Idea, the player is presented with three options, randomly selected from the unlocked Technologies. If a Technology is incompatible with previous choices, it will not show up. For example, if a Shelter is chosen that can't have attachments (such as the Vrisk House), no future Ideas will have Technologies that attach to Shelters (such as a Blastpowder Distillery). Note that the "Chance to Appear" trait below is based on all Technologies unlocked and available; the percent chance for a given Technology to appear in each Challenge may be different.

Symbol Idea.png Types of Technologies

TechGroup Shelter.svg Shelter

Shelter technologies are where Braves are spawned, and the only way to increase a village's population capacity. They usually consume Food to produce one Brave, and must be occupied by at least one Brave to produce. Shelter technologies also determine how sturdy all of your structures are against the four main elemental hazards: fire, rain, wind, and snow.

For a list of Shelter technologies, please see Technologies/Shelter.

TechGroup Food.svg Food

Food technologies are essential for the growth of a village, since they provide the consumable Material needed to produce Braves.

For a list of Food technologies, please see Technologies/Food.

TechGroup Resources.svg Resources

Resources technologies allow you to build structures that produce Materials. Some Resources technologies can produce without any input, but many consume Materials to produce something else.

For a list of Resources technologies, see Technologies/Resources.

TechGroup Development.svg Development

Development technologies are ones that can help your village as a whole, either by providing a support bonus or providing other functionality that doesn't fit into other categories. Diplomatic technologies are also in this section.

For a list of Development technologies, see Technologies/Development.

TechGroup Beast.svg Beast

Beast technologies are specific to captured Beasts; either built directly on the Beast or otherwise utilizing a Beast to produce Materials. Note that some Beast-related structures, such as the Egg Harvester, are listed in other categories but can appear with Beast Inspiration if the prerequisite Beast is tamed.

For a list of Beast technologies, see Technologies/Beast.

TechGroup Passive.svg Passive

Passive Technologies are ones that can't be built, but can affect gameplay in other ways. They can be found either through Passive Inspiration or by opting-out of any other inspiration type and selecting a Passive instead.


Tech Passive Baskets.png
Tech Group: Starting
Rarity: Common
Chance to Appear: 3.1%

Gives Braves the ability to carry resources at full speed.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Baskets allow Braves to move at full speed, even when carrying Materials. This can improve production in every situation, so it is a very good Passive technology to have. Baskets is provided for free by Thatched Longhouses and Charnushka's A-side.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Baskets.png Baskets: Gives Braves the ability to carry resources at full speed.
  • Unique Combinations:
Totora Dock (Movement Technology) + Baskets (Passive Technology) = Coracle Dock (Unique Technology)

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Rattan Hats

Tech Passive RattanHats.png
Rattan Hats
Tech Group: Starting
Rarity: Common
Chance to Appear: 3.1%

Braves get rain hats so they can still work while rained on.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Rattan Hats allow Braves to continue to work, even while being rained on. This can be helpful in Biomes with a lot of rain, or in combination with Thinkers whose Festivals promote rainfall. Rattan Hats is provided for free with the Rattan Home and Charnushka's B-side.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Tech Passive RattanHats.png Rattan Hats: Braves get rain hats so they can still work while rained on.
Tech Passive RattanHats.png Wearing Hats: You may only wear 1 hat type!

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Sharpened Axes

Tech Passive Sharpened Axes.png
Sharpened Axes
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group: Group 1
Rarity: Epic
Chance to Appear: 1.9%

Doubles Braves' damage and chopping speed.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Sharpened Axes is a very useful passive Technology for warring villages, as well as those with a lot of Log-based Technologies. Braves dealing double damage very nearly makes combat trivial, though they do not have any of the specific advantages other combat-specific units do. Sharpened Axes is provided for free by Log Tents and Garam's A-side.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Sharpened Axes.png Sharpened Axes: Doubles Braves' damage and chopping speed.
  • Unique Combinations:
Clay Pit (Resources Technology) + Sharpened Axes (Passive Technology) = Petrified Wood Clay Pit (Unique Technology)
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Sharpened Axes (Passive Technology) = Axe Barracks (Unique Technology)
Swordsmith (Combat Technology) + Sharpened Axes (Passive Technology) = Axesmith (Unique Technology)

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Structure Safety

Tech Passive Structure Safety.svg
Structure Safety
Karma Cost:2
Tech Group: Group 2
Rarity: Rare
Chance to Appear: 1.9%

Allows structures to be placed half over the edge of cliffs.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Structure Safety is very helpful when combined with large footprint Technologies, as it allows up to half of their footprint to be built off the edge of a cliff or slope. Structure Safety is provided for free by Potala Mansions and Sumac's A-side.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Structure Safety.svg Structure Safety: Allows structures to be placed half over the edge of cliffs.

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Braided Rope

Tech Passive Braided Rope.png
Braided Rope
Tech Group: Starting
Rarity: Common
Chance to Appear: 3.1%

Increases animal taming speed.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Braided Rope is an indispensable passive Technology when taming Beasts. It nearly doubles the taming speed of both Braves and Beastmasters. Braided Rope is provided for free with Galanga's A-side.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Icon Bonus Taming.png Taming: Increases animal taming speed.
  • Unique Combinations:
Archery Range (Combat Technology) + Braided Rope (Passive Technology) = Longbow Archery (Unique Technology)

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Tech Passive Incense.png
Tech Group: Starting
Rarity: Common
Chance to Appear: 3.1%

Increases movement speed within your campfire's radius.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Incense increases your Braves' walking speed by 1.5× while they are standing inside the territory controlled by your Hearth. This does not include any additional territory added through Totems. Braided Rope is provided for free with Kala & Jeera's A-side.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Icon Placement Hearth Ring.svg Aroma: Improve the speed of your people while within your town's Hearth radius.
Icon Placement Hearth.svg Hearth Attachment: Placed over your Hearth and blocks further Hearth attachments.
  • Unique Combinations:
Beast Incense Emitter (Beast Technology) + Incense (Passive Technology) = Speedy Beast Incense Emitter (Unique Technology)
Temple (Combat Technology) + Incense (Passive Technology) = Incense Chapel (Unique Technology)

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Wooden Nails

Tech Passive Wooden Nails.png
Wooden Nails
Tech Group: Starting
Rarity: Common
Chance to Appear: 3.1%

Structures are constructed as fast as you can acquire the resources.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Wooden Nails enable structures to be built very quickly, since Braves don't need to stand at the structure and hammer before retrieving Materials. However, taking maximum advantage of this technology requires a little bit of micromanagement, since Braves will still hammer a few times before fetching Materials. Wooden Nails is provided for free with Achiote's A-side.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Wooden Nails.png Wooden Nails: Removes the need for excessive hammering.

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Bamboo Focus

Tech Passive Bamboo Focus.png
Bamboo Focus
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group: Group 2
Rarity: Epic
Chance to Appear: 2.2%

Replace all Reeds construction Materials with Bamboo.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Bamboo Focus causes all Reeds used in construction to be replaced with Bamboo. This does not include Reeds used for production (such as the Bakery). Structures that use Bamboo instead of Reeds will have stronger resistance to damage from rainfall.

Note that replacement technologies like this can conflict with those that replace Chosen Wall or Chosen Roof Materials, with varying unusual side-effects.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Bamboo Focus.png Bamboo Upgrade: Replace all Reeds construction Materials with Bamboo.
  • Unique Combinations:
Totora Dock (Movement Technology) + Bamboo Focus (Passive Technology) = Coracle Dock (Unique Technology)
Archery Range (Combat Technology) + Bamboo Focus (Passive Technology) = Longbow Archery (Unique Technology)

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Tech Passive Permaculture.png
Karma Cost:2
Tech Group: Group 1
Rarity: Rare
Chance to Appear: 2.2%

Crops grow fertile grass around them when exhausted.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

When a Crop Row disappears after exhausting, Permaculture causes the surrounding tiles to become green grass tiles. This can be helpful since it enables the construction of additional Crop Rows.

  • Prerequisites: Crop Row (Food Technology) or Fertilized Crops (Unique Technology)
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Permaculture.png Fertilizing Soil: Farms automatically fertilize surrounding soil when they're exhausted.

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Tech Passive Chimneys.png
Tech Group: Starting
Rarity: Rare
Chance to Appear: 2.2%

Adds fireplaces and a dedicated chimney to each house to protect it from internal fires.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Chimneys prevent Shelter technologies from spontaneously bursting into flame, completely negating the effects of the Fire Season event.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Chimneys.png Chimneys: Houses are completely protected against internal fires.

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Snail Bridles

Tech Passive Snail Bridles.png
Snail Bridles
Tech Group: Group 5
Rarity: Common
Chance to Appear: 2.2%

Allow you to control snail spits to fertilize the soil and extinguish fires.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Snail Bridles add a button to the selection UI of a tamed Snail, letting you manually have them spit. This can be useful to turn soil into green grass tiles, but not very useful for fighting fires (since the Snail will automatically spit on active fires).

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Snail Bridles.png Snail Bridles: Allow you to control snail spits to fertilize the soil and extinguish fires.
  • Unique Combinations:
Grenadier Calefactor (Combat Technology) + Snail Bridles (Passive Technology) = Acid Bombs (Unique Technology)
Grenade Wright (Combat Technology) + Snail Bridles (Passive Technology) = Acidbomb Wright (Unique Technology)

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Ceramic Mandate

Tech Passive Ceramic Mandate.png
Ceramic Mandate
Karma Cost:1
Tech Group: Group 2
Rarity: Common
Chance to Appear: 3.8%

After spawning, a water-filled Ceramic is placed in front of your house for quick firefighting access.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Ceramic Mandate causes one unit of Ceramics to spawn with each Brave produced by a Shelter technology. This can be very useful for a quick start using Ceramics in any capacity. Ceramic Mandate is provided for free with Ajowan's A-side.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Symbol Ceramics.svg Materials Produced (Ceramics): This passive Technology enables a unit or structure to produce Ceramics.
Tech Passive Ceramic Mandate.png Ceramic Mandate: After spawning, a water-filled Ceramic is placed in front of your house for quick firefighting access.
Tech Resources Ceramics Production.png Ceramics Production: A knowledge of how to produce ceramics.
Symbol Fire.svg Firefighting: A source of water to fight fires with.

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Arm Bracers

Tech Passive Arm Bracers.png
Arm Bracers
Tech Group: Starting
Rarity: Common
Chance to Appear: 2.8%

Your ranged units have better accuracy and no longer damage allies.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Most ranged units have a chance of missing with their attacks, and if those attacks strike a friendly unit, that unit will take damage. Arm Bracers prevent that from happening for all ranged units, other than projectile-based units such as Grenadiers.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Arm Bracers.png Arm Bracers: Your ranged units have better accuracy and no longer damage allies.

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Sturdy Shovels

Tech Passive Sturdy Shovels.png
Sturdy Shovels
Karma Cost:1
Tech Group: Group 3
Rarity: Common
Chance to Appear: 3.1%

25% chance not to destroy a Clay deposit when digging.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Sturdy Shovels give your Braves a 25% chance to dig Clay out of a deposit (either Clay soil or an anthill) without destroying the deposit.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Symbol Clay.svg Materials Produced (Clay): This Passive technology enables a unit or structure to produce Clay.
Tech Passive Sturdy Shovels.png Sturdy Shovels: 25% chance not to destroy a Clay deposit when digging.
  • Unique Combinations:
Clay Pit (Resources Technology) + Sturdy Shovels (Passive Technology) = Petrified Wood Clay Pit (Unique Technology)
Canal (Development Technology) + Sturdy Shovels (Passive Technology) = Muddy Canal (Unique Technology)

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Runed Axes

Tech Passive Runed Axes.png
Runed Axes
Karma Cost:2
Tech Group: Group 3
Rarity: Rare
Chance to Appear: 2.2%

Chopping a tree yields an extra portion of Logs.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

When a Brave cuts down a tree for Logs, Runed Axes cause a second unit of Logs to spawn.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Symbol Logs.svg Materials Produced (Wood): This Passive technology enables a unit or structure to produce Wood.
Tech Passive Runed Axes.png Runed Axes: Chopping a tree yields an extra portion of Logs.
  • Unique Combinations:
Runed Axes (Passive Technology) + Lumberjack (Resources Technology) = Plank Axes (Unique Technology)
Runed Axes (Passive Technology) + Planks Workshop (Resources Technology) = Plank Axes (Unique Technology)
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Runed Axes (Passive Technology) = Axe Barracks (Unique Technology)
Swordsmith (Combat Technology) + Runed Axes (Passive Technology) = Axesmith (Unique Technology)

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Defensive Spikes

Tech Passive Defensive Spikes.png
Defensive Spikes
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group: Group 3
Rarity: Epic
Chance to Appear: 1.5%

Add defensive spikes around your Hearth to damage intruders.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Defensive Spikes causes a series of wooden stakes to spawn around the Hearth. Any hostile unit that passes near these spikes will take a significant amount of damage. Defensive Spikes is provided for free with Kala & Jeera's B-side.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Defensive Spikes.png Hearth Spikes: Intruders get damaged upon entering the Hearth's radius.
  • Unique Combinations:
Spear Laager (Combat Technology) + Defensive Spikes (Passive Technology) = Halberdier Garrison (Unique Technology)

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Thinking Caps

Tech Passive Thinking Caps.png
Thinking Caps
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group: Group 2
Rarity: Rare
Chance to Appear: 2.5%

Braves work faster during production in attachments.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Braves wearing Thinking Caps will have a 1.5× production speed boost when working in any attachment Technology.

  • Prerequisites: Shelter Technology
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Thinking Caps.png Thinking Caps: Braves work faster during production in attachments.
Tech Passive RattanHats.png Wearing Hats: You may only wear 1 hat type!

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Warding Headbands

Tech Passive Warding Headbands.png
Warding Headbands
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group: Group 3
Rarity: Common
Chance to Appear: 3.1%

Units become immune to mind bending like conversion and amnesia.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Any unit wearing Warding Headbands will not be affected by any hostile unit or structure that will make it disobey your Thinker's commands, such as a Priest or a Jar of Amnesia.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Warding Headbands.png Warding Headbands: Units become immune to mind bending like conversion and amnesia.
Tech Passive RattanHats.png Wearing Hats: You may only wear 1 hat type!

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Pangolin Armor

Tech Passive Pangolin Armor.png
Pangolin Armor
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group: Group 2
Rarity: Rare
Chance to Appear: 2.5%

Braves take no damage from behind.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Pangolin Armor completely negates damage dealt to a Brave from any unit (or other damage source, such as a Beast or grenade) that's standing behind them, significantly improving their survivability. Pangolin Armor is provided for free by Garam's B-side.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Pangolin Armor.png Pangolin Armor: Braves take no damage from behind.
Tech Passive RattanHats.png Wearing Hats: You may only wear 1 hat type!

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Snow Outfits

Tech Passive Snow Outfits.png
Snow Outfits
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group: Group 1
Rarity: Common
Chance to Appear: 3.1%

Braves will still work and move at full speed during snowfall.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Snowfall normally cuts the walk speed of any unit in half, as well as having a small chance of freezing the unit solid (preventing them from doing anything until the snow passes). Braves wearing Snow Outfits are protected from these effects, and will even continue to work while being actively snowed on. Snow Outfits is provided for free with Achiote's B-side.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Snow Outfits.png Snow Outfits: Braves will still work and move at full speed during snowfall.
Tech Passive RattanHats.png Wearing Hats: You may only wear 1 hat type!
Tech Passive Silk Outfits.png Wearing Clothing: You may only wear 1 type of clothing!

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Silk Outfits

Tech Passive Silk Outfits.png
Silk Outfits
Karma Cost:4
Tech Group: Group 3
Rarity: Legendary
Chance to Appear: 1.5%

Braves no longer cost Food and instead cost Fabric to produce.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Silk Outfits replaces the consumable resource in all Shelter technology with Fabric, necessitating the use of a Resource technology to continue Brave production rather than Food. Silk Outfits is provided for free with Serrano's A-side.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Silk Outfits.png Silk Outfits: Braves no longer cost Food and instead cost Fabric to produce.
Tech Passive Silk Outfits.png Wearing Clothing: You may only wear 1 type of clothing!

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Brick Walls

Tech Passive Brick Walls.png
Brick Walls
Tech Group: Starting
Rarity: Common
Chance to Appear: 3.1%

New structures are made with Bricks and are immune to fire and wind damage and have double health.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Brick Walls replaces the Chosen Walls Materials in all future structures with Bricks, significantly strengthening them. This can also simplify the building process if you have a more reliable way of producing Bricks than the original Chosen Wall Materials. Note, however, that old structures are not retrofitted with the new walls; they must be deconstructed and rebuilt to gain the benefit of this technology.

  • Prerequisites: Bricks Production
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Brick Walls.png Brick Walls: New structures are made with Bricks and are immune to fire and wind damage and have double health.
Symbol Chosen Walls.svg Material Replacement (Walls): This technology replaces all Chosen Wall Materials.

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Slate Roof

Tech Passive Slate Roof.png
Slate Roof
Tech Group: Starting
Rarity: Rare
Chance to Appear: 2.5%

Roofs are now made with stone slate and are protected from rain and fire.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Slate Roof replaces the Chosen Roof Materials in all future structures with Bricks, significantly improving rain and fire protection. This can also simplify the building process if you have a more reliable way of producing Bricks than the original Chosen Roof Materials. Note, however, that old structures are not retrofitted with the new roofs; they must be deconstructed and rebuilt to gain the benefit of this technology.

  • Prerequisites: Bricks Production
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Slate Roof.png Slate Roof: Roofs are now made with stone slate and are protected from rain and fire.
Symbol Chosen Roof.svg Material Replacement (Roof): This technology replaces all Chosen Roof Materials.

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Terracotta Roof

Tech Passive Terracotta Roof.png
Terracotta Roof
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group: Group 2
Rarity: Epic
Chance to Appear: 1.2%

Roofs are made with Ceramics and are immune to wind and rain.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Terracotta Roof replaces the Chosen Roof Materials in all future structures with Ceramics, significantly improving wind and rain protection. This can also simplify the building process if you have a more reliable way of producing Ceramics than the original Chosen Roof Materials. Note, however, that old structures are not retrofitted with the new roofs; they must be deconstructed and rebuilt to gain the benefit of this technology.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Terracotta Roof.png Terracotta Roof: Roofs are made with Ceramics and are immune to wind and rain.
Symbol Chosen Roof.svg Material Replacement (Roof): This technology replaces all Chosen Roof Materials.

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Wood Roof

Tech Passive Wood Roof.png
Wood Roof
Karma Cost:2
Tech Group: Group 3
Rarity: Rare
Chance to Appear: 0.6%

Roofs are made with wood Planks and are protected from rain and snow.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Wood Roof replaces the Chosen Roof Materials in all future structures with Planks, significantly improving rain and snow protection. This can also simplify the building process if you have a more reliable way of producing Planks than the original Chosen Roof Materials. Note, however, that old structures are not retrofitted with the new roofs; they must be deconstructed and rebuilt to gain the benefit of this technology.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Wood Roof.png Wood Roof: Roofs are made with wood Planks and are protected from rain and snow.
Symbol Chosen Roof.svg Material Replacement (Roof): This technology replaces all Chosen Roof Materials.

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Enchanted Firejars

Tech Passive Enchanted Firejars.png
Enchanted Firejars
Karma Cost:6
Tech Group: Group 3
Rarity: Legendary
Chance to Appear: 1.5%

Units automatically hide in a protective magic jar when fire is near but no longer bother firefighting.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Enchanted Firejars makes all of your Units immune to fire damage. However, you also cannot control them while they're hiding in a firejar, so this Passive tech can be difficult to use effectively. It is best used when your buildings are immune to fire, such as with the Rotunda or Brick Walls technologies. Enchanted Firejars is provided for free with Ajowan's B-side.

  • Prerequisites: Ceramics Production
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Enchanted Firejars.png Enchanted Firejars: Units automatically hide in a protective magic jar when fire is near but no longer bother firefighting.
  • Unique Combinations:
Powderstack (Combat Technology) + Enchanted Firejars (Passive Technology) = Firelance Rifles (Unique Technology)
Grenadier Calefactor (Combat Technology) + Enchanted Firejars (Passive Technology) = Fire Bombs (Unique Technology)
Grenade Wright (Combat Technology) + Enchanted Firejars (Passive Technology) = Firebomb Wright (Unique Technology)

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Stone Soup

Tech Passive Stone Soup.png
Stone Soup
Tech Group: Starting
Rarity: Rare
Chance to Appear: 2.2%

Add stones to your meals to keep your people from being pushed in combat or by wind.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Stone Soup prevents you units from being knocked around by wind or by enemy units. However, it does not prevent your units from being pushed around by other sources, such as by grenades or by Beasts.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Stone Soup.png Stone Soup: Add stones to your meals to keep your people from being pushed in combat or by wind.
  • Unique Combinations:
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Stone Soup (Passive Technology) = Shield Barracks (Unique Technology)
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Stone Soup (Passive Technology) = Shieldsmith (Unique Technology)

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Flathead Bridles

Tech Passive Flathead Bridles.png
Flathead Bridles
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group: Group 5
Rarity: Common
Chance to Appear: 4.4%

Allow you to control Flatheads to make them dig up the soil and create Clay.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Flathead Bridles add a button to the selection UI of a tamed Flatheads, letting you manually have them dig up Clay wherever they happen to be standing.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Symbol Clay.svg Materials Produced (Clay): This Passive technology enables a unit or structure to produce Clay.
Tech Passive Flathead Bridles.png Flathead Bridles: Allow you to control Flatheads to make them dig up the soil and create Clay.

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Totano Bridles

Tech Passive Totano Bridles.png
Totano Bridles
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group: Group 5
Rarity: Common
Chance to Appear: 4.4%

Allow you to control Totanos to make them shake seeds and sprout resoueces.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Totano Bridles add a button to the selection UI of a tamed Totano, letting you manually have them shake and fertilize the soil beneath them. Any soil that isn't green grass tiles has a chance to become fertilized, and tiles that are already green grass tiles have a chance to sprout Bamboo, Reeds, or trees.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Totano Bridles.png Totano Bridles: Allow you to control Totanos to make them shake seeds and sprout resoueces.

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Bricks Focus

Tech Passive Bricks Focus.png
Bricks Focus
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group: Starting
Rarity: Rare
Chance to Appear: 2.5%

Replace all Clay construction Materials with Bricks.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Bricks Focus causes all Clay used in construction to be replaced with Bricks. This does not include Clay used for production (such as the Ceramics Production attachment). Structures that use Bricks instead of Clay will have stronger resistance to damage from fire and rainfall.

Note that replacement technologies like this can conflict with those that replace Chosen Wall or Chosen Roof Materials, with varying unusual side-effects.

  • Prerequisites: Bricks Production
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Bricks Focus.png Adobe Brick Upgrade: Replace all Clay construction Materials with Bricks.

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Tech Passive Lightfootedness.png
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group: Group 1
Rarity: Legendary
Chance to Appear: 1.2%

Units will not alert Beasts or other towns they pass by.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Lightfootedness is one of the most powerful Passive technologies available, since it eliminates the automatic aggression trigger that causes Beasts and hostile units to attack you on sight. Beasts and hostile units will still defend themselves if attacked, but Lightfootedness prevents them from proactively attacking your units. Lightfootedness is provided for free with Galanga's B-side.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Lightfootedness.png Lightfootedness: Units will not alert Beasts or other towns they pass by.
  • Unique Combinations:
Archery Range (Combat Technology) + Lightfootedness (Passive Technology) = Longbow Archery (Unique Technology)

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Lotus Hooks

Tech Passive Lotus Hooks.png
Lotus Hooks
Karma Cost:6
Tech Group: Group 1
Rarity: Rare
Chance to Appear: 1.5%

Boats will collect Lotus they pass over.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Lotus Hooks enable you to collect Lotus Fabric more easily, since much of it tends to grow in open water away from the shoreline. Note that this technology can appear for selection even if you don't have a Movement or other technology that can create boats.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Symbol Lotus Fabric.svg Materials Produced (Lotus Fabric): This Passive technology enables a unit or structure to produce Lotus Fabric.
Tech Passive Lotus Hooks.png Lotus Hooks: Boats will collect Lotus they pass over.

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Fish Lures

Tech Passive Fish Lures.png
Fish Lures
Karma Cost:6
Tech Group: Group 2
Rarity: Rare
Chance to Appear: 1.5%

Boats will collect Fish they pass over.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Fish Lures cause any boats that travel over fish in the water to pick them up as Food. Note that this technology can appear for selection even if you don't have a Movement or other technology that can create boats.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Symbol Food.png Materials Produced (Food): This Passive technology enables a unit or structure to produce Food.
Tech Passive Fish Lures.png Fish Lures: Boats will collect Fish they pass over.
ItemFood FishNet.png Fishing Knowledge: Unlocks fish type technologies.

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Urban Planning

Tech Passive Urban Planning.png
Urban Planning
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group: Group 3
Rarity: Epic
Chance to Appear: 1.9%

Round houses can be placed closer to one another.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Urban Planning reduces the footprint of Shelter structures with a 4x4 Diamond footprint to 3x3 Diamond, making it much easier to cluster them closer together.

  • Prerequisites: Round Housing
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Urban Planning.png Urban Planning: Round houses can be placed closer to one another.

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Solid Planks

Tech Passive Solid Planks.png
Solid Planks
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group: Group 2
Rarity: Rare
Chance to Appear: 2.5%

Replace all Clay construction Materials with wood Planks but decrease house fire protection.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Solid Planks causes all Clay used in construction to be replaced with Planks. Structures that use Planks instead of Clay will have weaker resistance to damage to fire, but may be easier to build since Planks are much easier to source in certain situations.

Note that replacement technologies like this can conflict with those that replace Chosen Wall or Chosen Roof Materials, with varying unusual side-effects.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Solid Planks.png Solid Planks: Replace all Clay construction Materials with Planks, which must be crafted.

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Sturdy Planks

Tech Passive Sturdy Planks.png
Sturdy Planks
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group: Group 2
Rarity: Rare
Chance to Appear: 2.5%

Replace all Logs construction Materials with wood Planks and increase house snow protection.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Sturdy Planks causes all Logs used in construction to be replaced with Planks. Structures that use Planks instead of Logs will have stronger resistance against collapsing due to snowfall.

Note that replacement technologies like this can conflict with those that replace Chosen Wall or Chosen Roof Materials, with varying unusual side-effects.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Sturdy Planks.png Sturdy Planks: Replace all Logs construction Materials requirements with Planks, which must be crafted.

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Light Planks

Tech Passive Light Planks.png
Light Planks
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group: Group 2
Rarity: Rare
Chance to Appear: 2.5%

Replace all Reeds construction Materials with wood Planks and increase your house fire protection.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Light Planks causes all Reeds used in construction to be replaced with Planks. Structures that use Planks instead of Reeds will have stronger resistance against catching fire.

Note that replacement technologies like this can conflict with those that replace Chosen Wall or Chosen Roof Materials, with varying unusual side-effects.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Light Planks.png Light Planks: Replace all Reeds construction Materials requirements with Planks, which must be crafted.

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Hollow Bricks

Tech Passive Hollow Bricks.png
Hollow Bricks
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group: Group 3
Rarity: Rare
Chance to Appear: 2.5%

Replace all Bricks construction Materials with Ceramics but your houses become vulnerable to wind damage.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Hollow Bricks causes all Bricks used in construction to be replaced with Ceramics. Structures that use Ceramics instead of Bricks will have weaker resistance against collapsing due to wind.

Note that replacement technologies like this can conflict with those that replace Chosen Wall or Chosen Roof Materials, with varying unusual side-effects.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Hollow Bricks.png Hollow Bricks: Replace all Bricks construction Materials requirements with Ceramics.

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Stone Focus

Tech Passive Stone Focus.png
Stone Focus
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group: Group 3
Rarity: Rare
Chance to Appear: 2.5%

Replace all Logs construction Materials with Bricks and increase house fire protection.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Stone Focus causes all Logs used in construction to be replaced with Briks. Structures that use Bricks instead of Logs will have stronger resistance against catching fire.

Note that replacement technologies like this can conflict with those that replace Chosen Wall or Chosen Roof Materials, with varying unusual side-effects.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Stone Focus.png Stone Focus: Replace all Logs construction Materials requirements with Bricks.

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Stilt Foundations

Tech Passive Stilt Foundations.png
Stilt Foundations
Karma Cost:6
Tech Group: Blueprint
Rarity: Legendary
Chance to Appear: 1.2%

Houses always start stilted off the ground a bit.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Stilt Foundations prevent all structures from being flooded, but adds one Bamboo to the construction of every building.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Stilt Foundations.png Stilt Foundations: Houses always start stilted off the ground a bit.

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Spectral Units

Tech Passive Spectral Units.png
Spectral Units
Karma Cost:6
Tech Group: Blueprint
Rarity: Legendary
Chance to Appear: 0.9%

Houses no longer require Food but only produce ghosts.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Spectral Units causes all units to be spawned as ghosts, giving them only one hit point. To compensate, these units do not require Food to produce. Note that all units are spawned as ghosts, not just Braves.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Tech Passive Spectral Units.png Spectral Units: Houses no longer require Food but only produce ghosts.

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TechGroup Protection.svg Protection

Protection technologies are specific to keeping your village, its people, and the Materials within it safe from climate hazards (such as fire).


Tech Protection Windmill.png
Health: 400
Builders: 5
Karma Cost:2
Chance to Appear:7.6%
Single Use: Yes

A tall sail-tower to push clouds away, protecting your town.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

A windmill will activate when any clouds form (such as for the Rainstorm or Snowfall Events), pushing them away from your town. A Windmill can only affect one cloud formation at a time, however.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Fabric (Material) Fabric (Material) Fabric (Material) Logs (Material) Logs (Material) Bamboo (Material) Bamboo (Material) Clay (Material) Reeds (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 4x4 Diamond
  • Properties: Symbol None.svg
  • Unique Combinations:
Elevator (Movement Technology) + Windmill (Protection Technology) = Windmill Elevator (Unique Technology)
Drawbridge (Movement Technology) + Windmill (Protection Technology) = Windmill Drawbridge (Unique Technology)

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Tech Protection Well.png
Builders: 3
Tech Group:Starting
Chance to Appear:7.6%
Single Use: Yes

A deep well that produces water to fight fires.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

A Well enables Braves to quickly and easily fight fires. It is most useful when combating the Fire Season Event, since the fire always starts in a Shelter structure. Once built, a Well cannot be destroyed or moved.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Logs (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Symbol Fire.svg Firefighting: A source of water to fight fires with.
  • Unique Combinations:
Canal (Development Technology) + Well (Protection Technology) = Irrigation (Unique Technology)

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Tech Protection Shaduf.png
Health: 50
Builders: 1
Tech Group:Starting
Chance to Appear:12.8%
Single Use: No

A Bamboo mechanism to access water to fight fires.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Shadufs enable Braves to quickly and easily fight fires. However, a Shaduf must be placed on a cliff edge above water in order to collect water in its bucket. This water can be inland or on a shoreline. Placement of many Shadufs is key, since they are vulnerable to fire damage themselves!

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Bamboo (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Over Water
  • Footprint: 1x2
  • Properties:
Symbol Fire.svg Firefighting: A source of water to fight fires with.
Tech Passive Structure Safety.svg Placed Over Water: Can only be placed on a ledge partially over water.
  • Unique Combinations:
Shaduf (Protection Technology) + Fishing Tower (Food Technology) = Buckets of Fish (Unique Technology)
Shaduf (Protection Technology) + Fisherman's Warf (Food Technology) = Buckets of Fish (Unique Technology)
Shaduf (Protection Technology) + Fishing Net (Food Technology) = Buckets of Fish (Unique Technology)
Shaduf (Protection Technology) + Walker Fishing Platform (Food Technology) = Buckets of Fish (Unique Technology)
Shaduf (Protection Technology) + Haken House (Shelter Technology) = Buckets of Fish (Unique Technology)

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Rain Collector

Tech Protection Rain Collector.png
Rain Collector
Health: 150
Builders: 1
Karma Cost:2
Tech Group:Starting
Chance to Appear:8.9%
Single Use: No

Store rain water to fight fires.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Rain Collectors will fill with water when rained on, giving your Braves a source of water for firefighting. In addition, Rain Collectors will fertilize nearby soil when they're full, making them a useful addition to a farming-based Food source.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Clay (Material) Clay (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Symbol Fire.svg Firefighting: A source of water to fight fires with.
Icon Bonus Quench Soil.png Quench Soil: Nearby soil becomes fertile when water is full.

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Cliff Awning

Tech Protection Cliff Awning.png
Cliff Awning
Health: 150
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:1
Tech Group:Group 1
Chance to Appear:8.9%
Single Use: No

Attaches to a cliffside and protects whatever's below from the elements.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Cliff Awnings allow structures and Materials to be protected from rain- and snowfall, regardless of their build Materials.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Fabric (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Inside Cliff
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Bonus Rainproof.png Rainproof: Roof fully protects against rain.
Icon Placement Inside Cliff.svg Placed Inside Cliff: Can only be placed along a cliff face.
  • Unique Combinations:
Cliff Awning (Protection Technology) + Frilled House (Shelter Technology) = Round Umbrella (Unique Technology)
Cliff Awning (Protection Technology) + Clay Spire House (Shelter Technology) = Round Umbrella (Unique Technology)
Cliff Awning (Protection Technology) + Embedded Home (Shelter Technology) = Round Umbrella (Unique Technology)
Cliff Awning (Protection Technology) + Isolated Home (Shelter Technology) = Round Umbrella (Unique Technology)
Cliff Awning (Protection Technology) + Clay Huts (Shelter Technology) = Round Umbrella (Unique Technology)
Cliff Awning (Protection Technology) + Thatched Huts (Shelter Technology) = Round Umbrella (Unique Technology)
Cliff Awning (Protection Technology) + Log Tents (Shelter Technology) = Round Umbrella (Unique Technology)

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Cloud Popper

Tech Protection Cloud Popper.png
Cloud Popper
Health: 100
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:2
Tech Group:Group 1
Chance to Appear:6.4%
Single Use: Yes

A balloon that destroys clouds it comes in contact with high in the sky.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Cloud Poppers are able to completely destroy any cloud that comes near it, subject to wind direction. However, each Cloud Popper is single-use and must be rebuilt after popping a cloud.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Fabric (Material) Fabric (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 3x3
  • Properties: None

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Jar of Amnesia

Tech Protection Jar of Amnesia.png
Jar of Amnesia
Health: 10
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:5
Chance to Appear:3.8%
Single Use: Yes

When broken, fills the area with powerful amnesia ending combat and animosity and causing everyone to return home.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

A Jar of Amnesia is a powerful defensive structure that will immediately end combat and force all units to return to their home Hearth. Of particular note, this applies to both friendly and hostile units, so be careful when placing the Jar so as to minimize disruptions in production.

Units equipped with Warding Headbands are immune to the effects of a Jar of Amnesia.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Ceramics (Material) Ceramics (Material) Ceramics (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Bonus Amnesia.png Amnesia: This powerful gas causes everyone in the area to forget what they are doing and return to their home towns.

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Isolation Tower

Tech Protection Isolation Tower.png
Isolation Tower
Health: 1000
Builders: 1
Karma Cost:3
Chance to Appear:7.6%
Single Use: Yes

A tall tower to keep your Thinker away from harm and give them some peace and quiet.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

An Isolation Tower protects any Thinker that cloisters themselves inside, even from area-of-effect damage such as grenades or ranged attacks like bows or rifles. Thinkers are still vulnerable to natural effects such as wind or fire, however. Any friendly Thinker can reside inside an Isolation Tower, including rescued Thinkers or Thinkers from befriended villages.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Logs (Material) Bricks (Material) Bricks (Material) Bricks (Material) Bricks (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 3x3
  • Properties: None

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Water Syphon

Tech Protection Water Syphon.png
Water Syphon
Health: 50
Builders: 2
Tech Group:Starting
Chance to Appear:8.9%
Single Use: No

Add a convenient tap into Trunkwoods and cacti for easy access to water.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Water Syphons allow Braves to collect water from Trunkwoods and cacti, which is extremely useful on the Flatlands because of how dry and flammable everything is. Syphons placed into cacti are vulnerable, however, because when they take damage cacti will burst with a splash of water.

  • Prerequisites: Flatlands (Biome) or Greenleaf (Biome)
  • Build Materials: Bamboo (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Trunkwood or Cactus
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Symbol Fire.svg Firefighting: A source of water to fight fires with.
Icon Placement Trunkwood or Cactus.svg Placed on Trunkwood or Cactus: Can only be placed on a Trunkwood or living cactus.

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Town Walls

Tech Protection Town Walls.png
Town Walls
Health: 400
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group:Group 2
Chance to Appear:11.5%
Single Use: No

A wall that can keep your enemies out of your town.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Town Walls are physical barriers that block access. They are constructed segment-by-segment and have two straight segments (one with a gate) and one 90-degree corner segment. They can be very useful when trying to protect certain Beasts or your Thinker, or may be used to prevent your Braves from accidentally walking across an environmental hazard. Notably, Town Walls can only be placed on flat surfaces, and become less useful on hilly terrain.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Bricks (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 1x2
  • Properties:
Icon Bonus Has Variants.png Has Variants: Contains multiple variants (press Ctrl to swap between them).
Icon Footprint 2x2.svg Alternate Footprint (2x2): One or more variants of this technology has a footprint of 2x2 instead of the default footprint.

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Lightning Totem

Tech Protection Lightning Totem.png
Lightning Totem
Health: 500
Builders: 3
Karma Cost:4
Tech Group:Group 1
Chance to Appear:7.6%
Single Use: No

Absorbs lightning strikes, protecting your town from fires.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Lightning totems redirect any lightning strikes within a given area, preventing them from starting fires. However, any unit that happens to be standing nearby will get a jolt, so be careful when placing them to avoid taking damage!

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Tech Protection Lightning Totem.png Absorbs Lightning: Absorbs lightning strikes, protecting your town from fires.
  • Unique Combinations:
Rifle Casern (Combat Technology) + Lightning Totem (Protection Technology) = Whitebarrel Casern (Unique Technology)
Powderstack (Combat Technology) + Lightning Totem (Protection Technology) = Whitebarrel Rifles (Unique Technology)

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Warding Lanterns

Tech Protection Warding Lanterns.png
Warding Lanterns
Health: 500
Builders: 3
Karma Cost:6
Tech Group:Group 3
Chance to Appear:7.6%
Single Use: No

Block ghosts of the dark from appearing near this lantern.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Warding Lanterns prevent any ghosts that spawn during the Night of the Dead Event from approaching. Placement of your Totems to account for future Lanterns helps prevent the ghosts from approaching your village at all.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Bamboo (Material) Fabric (Material) Fabric (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Resource Totem
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Bonus Next Generation.png Ghost Warding: No ghosts can approach this structure or spawn within its radius.
Icon Placement Resource Totem.svg Placed on Resource Totem: This structure attaches to a Resource Totem and affects the area within its radius.

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TechGroup Movement.svg Movement

Movement technologies change the way your Units can traverse the Biome, as well as modifying the surfaces available to build structures on.

Canoe Dock

Tech Movement Canoe Dock.png
Canoe Dock
Health: 300
Builders: 6
Tech Group:Group 5
Chance to Appear:6.8%
Single Use: Yes

A 2-person boat made from a log, arguably the best form of transportation in the water.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Canoe Docks enable your Braves to produce Canoes. Since Canoes are capable of carrying two passengers, this can make it ideal to send your Thinker away from your village with a protector along with them.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Logs (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material)
  • Consumes: Logs (Material)
  • Produces: Canoe (Unit)
  • Special Placement: Water
  • Footprint: 2x4
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Water.svg Placed in Water: Can only be placed on water.

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Totora Dock

Tech Movement Totora Dock.png
Totora Dock
Health: 300
Builders: 6
Tech Group:Group 5
Chance to Appear:6.8%
Single Use: Yes

A slow but cheap boat, with just 1 tuft of Reeds, 1 person can take to the seas.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

A Totora Dock produces Totoras, small 1-Unit boats. While not as versatile as other boat Units, Totora are much cheaper to produce and produce more quickly.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material)
  • Consumes: Reeds (Material)
  • Produces: Totora (Unit)
  • Special Placement: Water
  • Footprint: 2x4
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Water.svg Placed in Water: Can only be placed on water.
  • Unique Combinations:
Totora Dock (Movement Technology) + Baskets (Passive Technology) = Coracle Dock (Unique Technology)
Totora Dock (Movement Technology) + Bamboo Focus (Passive Technology) = Coracle Dock (Unique Technology)
Totora Dock (Movement Technology) + Thatched Longhouse (Shelter Technology) = Coracle Dock (Unique Technology)
Totora Dock (Movement Technology) + Sprout House (Shelter Technology) = Coracle Dock (Unique Technology)
Totora Dock (Movement Technology) + Potted Bamboo (Resources Technology) = Coracle Dock (Unique Technology)
Totora Dock (Movement Technology) + Sprout Shades (Resources Technology) = Coracle Dock (Unique Technology)
Burial Mound (Development Technology) + Totora Dock (Movement Technology) = Funeral Boat (Unique Technology)

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Sampan Dock

Tech Movement Sampan Dock.png
Sampan Dock
Health: 300
Builders: 6
Tech Group:Group 5
Chance to Appear:4%
Single Use: Yes

A mighty, 5-person barge that is designed to bring multiple people to a new location.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

The Sampan Dock produces Sampans, one of the most nimble and highest-capacity transports available. While they are expensive, Sampans more than make up for it by allowing for large movements of many units, useful for attacking opponents.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Logs (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material)
  • Consumes: Bamboo (Material) Bamboo (Material) Bamboo (Material) Reeds (Material)
  • Produces: Sampan (Unit)
  • Special Placement: Water
  • Footprint: 2x4
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Water.svg Placed in Water: Can only be placed on water.
  • Unique Combinations:
Burial Mound (Development Technology) + Sampan Dock (Movement Technology) = Funeral Boat (Unique Technology)

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Dragon Boat Dock

Tech Movement Dragon Boat Dock.png
Dragon Boat Dock
Health: 300
Builders: 6
Tech Group:Group 5
Chance to Appear:4%
Single Use: Yes

These long and unwieldy boats hold 6 and are the fastest boats in the waters.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Dragon Boats hold the most number of Units out of all water-based transport vessels, but can be difficult to maneuver due to their excessive size.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Logs (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material)
  • Consumes: Logs (Material) Logs (Material) Logs (Material)
  • Produces: Dragon Boat (Unit)
  • Special Placement: Water
  • Footprint: 2x4
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Water.svg Placed in Water: Can only be placed on water.
  • Unique Combinations:
Burial Mound (Development Technology) + Dragon Boat Dock (Movement Technology) = Funeral Boat (Unique Technology)

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Tech Movement Platform.png
Health: 200
Builders: 6
Tech Group:Starting
Chance to Appear:4.7%
Single Use: No

A flat, floating platform that can be built on but is immobile.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Platforms enable you to expand your village into the water. This is particularly useful when playing on Biomes such as Pebbles, which have limited land space available.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Logs (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Water
  • Footprint: 4x4
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Water.svg Placed in Water: Can only be placed on water.

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Tech Movement Bridge.png
Health: 300
Builders: 2
Tech Group:Starting
Chance to Appear:8.1%
Single Use: No

Bridges that can be built across gaps and even connect different elevations.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Bridges are exceptionally useful when connecting different parts of your territory together, and have virtually no length limit. However, Bridges are affected by physics, and a bridge that is too long may sag too far to be useful. Additionally, longer Bridges require more Bamboo to build.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Bamboo (Material) Bamboo (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Cliff Edge
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Cliff Edge.svg Placed on Cliff Edge: Can only be placed on a cliff's edge.
  • Unique Combinations:
Bridge (Movement Technology) + Lumberjack (Resources Technology) = Plank Bridge (Unique Technology)
Bridge (Movement Technology) + Planks Workshop (Resources Technology) = Plank Bridge (Unique Technology)

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Stilt Pads

Tech Movement Stilt Pads.png
Stilt Pads
Health: 100
Builders: 1
Tech Group:Starting
Chance to Appear:6.8%
Single Use: No

A few sizes of stilts that are built horizontally from edges of cliffs.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Stilt Pads (and its partner technology, Stilt Elevations) is one of the most versatile and useful technologies available. Since it costs nothing to produce and can be built fairly quickly, long strings of Stilt Pads can take the place of Bridges and Platforms in most cases. However, Stilt Pads are unable to change elevation, and must be built in straight lines.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: None
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Cliff Edge
  • Footprint: 1x1
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Cliff Edge.svg Placed on Cliff Edge: Can only be placed on a cliff's edge.
Icon Bonus Has Variants.png Has Variants: Contains multiple variants (press Ctrl to swap between them).
Icon Footprint 2x2.svg Alternate Footprint (2x2): One or more variants of this technology has a footprint of 2x2 instead of the default footprint.

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Stilt Elevations

Tech Movement Stilt Elevations.png
Stilt Elevations
Health: 100
Builders: 1
Tech Group:Group 2
Chance to Appear:4%
Single Use: No

Tall stilts that are built vertically upward. Includes a few sizes and stairs.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Stilt Elevations (and its partner technology, Stilt Pads) is one of the most versatile and useful technologies available. Since it costs nothing to produce and can be built fairly quickly, long strings of Stilt Elevations can take the place of Bridges in most cases. However, Stilt Elevations cannot be built at ground level (and therefore cannot take the place of Platforms) and must be placed in straight lines. Stilt Elevations comes with a variant with stairs, enabling them to change elevation one level at a time.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: None
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 1x1
  • Properties:
Icon Bonus Has Variants.png Has Variants: Contains multiple variants (press Ctrl to swap between them).
Icon Footprint 2x2.svg Alternate Footprint (2x2): One or more variants of this technology has a footprint of 2x2 instead of the default footprint.
Icon Footprint 1x3.svg Alternate Footprint (1x3): One or more variants of this technology has a footprint of 1x3 instead of the default footprint.

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Mud Arches

Tech Movement Mud Arches.png
Mud Arches
Health: 600
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group:Group 1
Chance to Appear:4%
Single Use: No

A large bridge that can help cross gaps in a horizontal line.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Mud Arches are useful when connecting different parts of your territory together, and have virtually no length limit. However, they are restricted to connecting two cliffs together on the same plane and cannot change elevation. Additionally, longer Mud Arches require more Clay to build.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Clay (Material) Clay (Material) Clay (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Cliff Edge
  • Footprint: 1x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Cliff Edge.svg Placed on Cliff Edge: Can only be placed on a cliff's edge.
  • Unique Combinations:
Mud Arches (Movement Technology) + Stone Mine (Resources Technology) = Stone Arches (Unique Technology)
Mud Arches (Movement Technology) + Adobe Oven (Resources Technology) = Stone Arches (Unique Technology)
Mud Arches (Movement Technology) + Bricks Quarry (Resources Technology) = Stone Arches (Unique Technology)

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Tech Movement Overhang.png
Health: 500
Builders: 1
Tech Group:Starting
Chance to Appear:5.4%
Single Use: No

Build into the cliff walls off the ground.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Overhangs can be used to increase the amount of buildable land in your territory by expanding off the edges of cliffs.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Cliff Edge
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Cliff Edge.svg Placed on Cliff Edge: Can only be placed on a cliff's edge.
  • Unique Combinations:
Overhang (Movement Technology) + Frilled House (Shelter Technology) = Frilled Overhang (Unique Technology)
Overhang (Movement Technology) + Rotunda (Shelter Technology) = Frilled Overhang (Unique Technology)
Overhang (Movement Technology) + Rattan Home (Shelter Technology) = Frilled Overhang (Unique Technology)
Overhang (Movement Technology) + Embedded Home (Shelter Technology) = Frilled Overhang (Unique Technology)
Overhang (Movement Technology) + Isolated Home (Shelter Technology) = Frilled Overhang (Unique Technology)
Overhang (Movement Technology) + Thatched Spire House (Shelter Technology) = Frilled Overhang (Unique Technology)
Overhang (Movement Technology) + Clay Spire House (Shelter Technology) = Frilled Overhang (Unique Technology)
Overhang (Movement Technology) + Snow Spire House (Shelter Technology) = Frilled Overhang (Unique Technology)
Overhang (Movement Technology) + Burial Mound (Development Technology) = Cliff Coffins (Unique Technology)

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Tech Movement Elevator.png
Health: 500
Builders: 3
Karma Cost:4
Tech Group:Group 2
Chance to Appear:3.4%
Single Use: No

Build an elevator to lower elevations powered by a Brave in a running wheel.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Elevators are able to move Units up and down cliff faces. Unit pathfinding will automatically adjust to use Elevators.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Reeds (Material) Bamboo (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Cliff Edge
  • Footprint: 3x3
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Cliff Edge.svg Placed on Cliff Edge: Can only be placed on a cliff's edge.
  • Unique Combinations:
Elevator (Movement Technology) + Windmill (Protection Technology) = Windmill Elevator (Unique Technology)
Elevator (Movement Technology) + Windcatcher (Resources Technology) = Windmill Elevator (Unique Technology)
Elevator (Movement Technology) + Blastpowder Distillery (Resources Technology) = Furnace Elevator (Unique Technology)
Elevator (Movement Technology) + Blastpowder Boiler (Resources Technology) = Furnace Elevator (Unique Technology)
Elevator (Movement Technology) + Blastpowder Refinery (Resources Technology) = Furnace Elevator (Unique Technology)
Elevator (Movement Technology) + Firebird Perch (Resources Technology) = Furnace Elevator (Unique Technology)
Elevator (Movement Technology) + Pellet Collector (Resources Technology) = Furnace Elevator (Unique Technology)

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Bamboo Ladder

Tech Movement Bamboo Ladder.png
Bamboo Ladder
Health: 50
Builders: 1
Tech Group:Starting
Chance to Appear:6.8%
Single Use: No

A simple ladder to climb up elevations.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Bamboo Ladders can be used along cliff faces to climb up and down. One caveat is that they must be built from the bottom, so access will primarily be upward (unless you're building a Bamboo Ladder to create a shortcut). Additionally, longer Bamboo Ladders require more Bamboo to build.

There are a few pathfinding bugs that might cause Units to get stuck at the bottom or top of Bamboo Ladders; some micromanagement might be needed with certain placements.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Bamboo (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Cliff Edge
  • Footprint: 1x1
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Cliff Edge.svg Placed on Cliff Edge: Can only be placed on a cliff's edge.

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Climbing Pole

Tech Movement Climbing Pole.png
Climbing Pole
Health: 100
Builders: 1
Tech Group:Starting
Chance to Appear:5.4%
Single Use: No

A long log with grooves in it so your people can get up cliffs or across valleys.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Climbing Poles can be used along cliff faces to climb up and down. One caveat is that they must be built from the bottom, so access will primarily be upward (unless you're building a Climbing Pole to create a shortcut). Climbing Poles are not affected by the same pathfinding bugs that Bamboo Ladders are, but require a significantly larger footprint to build.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Inside Cliff
  • Footprint: 1x4
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Inside Cliff.svg Placed Inside Cliff: Can only be placed along a cliff face.
  • Unique Combinations:
Climbing Pole (Movement Technology) + Lumberjack (Resources Technology) = Stairs (Unique Technology)
Climbing Pole (Movement Technology) + Planks Workshop (Resources Technology) = Stairs (Unique Technology)
Mushroom Log (Food Technology) + Climbing Pole (Movement Technology) = Climbing Mushroom Log (Unique Technology)

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Gokstad Corsair

Tech Movement Gokstad Corsair.png
Gokstad Corsair
Health: 300
Builders: 4
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group:Group 2
Chance to Appear:3.4%
Single Use: No

A sailed longboat that has space for a small house at the back.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Building a Gokstad Corsair simply constructs the Unit (unlike other dock-based technologies, such as the Canoe Dock). The rear side of the ship is able to host a Shelter up to 2x2 in size that does not have any placement restrictions. Round houses that take up a 4x4 Diamond can also be built on a Gokstad Corsair.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Logs (Material) Logs (Material) Logs (Material) Fabric (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: Gokstad Corsair (Unit)
  • Special Placement: Water
  • Footprint: 2x4
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Water.svg Placed in Water: Can only be placed on water.
Icon Bonus NomadHouses.png Nomad Houses: Houses built on this structure do not require Food to produce.

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Tech Movement Landbarge.png
Health: 400
Builders: 4
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group:Group 2
Chance to Appear:4%
Single Use: No

A slow-moving but powerful form of transportation, the Landbarge has enough space for a house on top!
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Building a Landbarge simply constructs the Unit itself. The rear side of the barge is able to host a Shelter up to 2x2 in size that does not have any placement restrictions. Round houses that take up a 4x4 Diamond can also be built on a Landbarge.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Logs (Material) Bamboo (Material) Bamboo (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: Landbarge (Unit)
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 3x3
  • Properties:
Icon Bonus NomadHouses.png Nomad Houses: Houses built on this structure do not require Food to produce.

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Tech Movement Drawbridge.png
Health: 500
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group:Group 3
Chance to Appear:4%
Single Use: No

A long bridge that can be built across gaps.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Drawbridges are able to raise and lower long bridges, allowing your Units to cross while restricting hostile units from attacking your village. Unit pathfinding will automatically adjust to use Drawbridges.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Bamboo (Material) Bamboo (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Cliff Edge
  • Footprint: 1x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Cliff Edge.svg Placed on Cliff Edge: Can only be placed on a cliff's edge.
  • Unique Combinations:
Drawbridge (Movement Technology) + Windmill (Protection Technology) = Windmill Drawbridge (Unique Technology)
Drawbridge (Movement Technology) + Windcatcher (Resources Technology) = Windmill Drawbridge (Unique Technology)
Drawbridge (Movement Technology) + Blastpowder Distillery (Resources Technology) = Furnace Drawbridge (Unique Technology)
Drawbridge (Movement Technology) + Blastpowder Boiler (Resources Technology) = Furnace Drawbridge (Unique Technology)
Drawbridge (Movement Technology) + Blastpowder Refinery (Resources Technology) = Furnace Drawbridge (Unique Technology)
Drawbridge (Movement Technology) + Firebird Perch (Resources Technology) = Furnace Drawbridge (Unique Technology)
Drawbridge (Movement Technology) + Pellet Collector (Resources Technology) = Furnace Drawbridge (Unique Technology)

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Lanna Balloon Dock

Tech Movement Lanna Balloon Dock.png
Lanna Balloon Dock
Health: 2000
Builders: 6
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group:Group 2
Chance to Appear:6.8%
Single Use: Yes

A fabric balloon that can soar above any obstacle.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Lanna Balloons move slowly, but can often travel in a much straighter path than other transports because they fly above the ground. They can transport up to four Units at a time.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Logs (Material) Logs (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material)
  • Consumes: Reeds (Material) Bamboo (Material) Fabric (Material) Fabric (Material)
  • Produces: Lanna Balloon (Unit)
  • Special Placement: Cliff Edge
  • Footprint: 2x4
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Cliff Edge.svg Placed on Cliff Edge: Can only be placed on a cliff's edge.

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Passarolla Balloon Platform

Tech Movement Passarolla Balloon Platform.png
Passarolla Balloon Platform
Health: 300
Builders: 8
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group:Group 3
Chance to Appear:2.7%
Single Use: No

A mighty balloon platform that has space for a small house.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Building a Passarolla Balloon Platform simply constructs the Unit (unlike other dock-based technologies, such as the Canoe Dock). The platform on the balloon is able to host a Shelter up to 4x4 in size that does not have any placement restrictions.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Bamboo (Material) Bamboo (Material) Bamboo (Material) Logs (Material) Fabric (Material) Fabric (Material) Fabric (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: Passarolla Balloon Platform (Unit)
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 4x4
  • Properties:
Icon Bonus NomadHouses.png Nomad Houses: Houses built on this structure do not require Food to produce.

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Tech Movement Rickshaw.png
Health: 200
Builders: 3
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group:Group 4
Chance to Appear:4%
Single Use: No

Description from the Encyclopedia
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Building a Rickshaw simply constructs the Unit itself. A Rickshaw requires a driver in addition to the passenger, so it is able to transport two Units despite the description.

Building a Rickshaw using this technology does not supply the required vehicle needed to complete the Escape Rickshaw Festival.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Bamboo (Material) Bamboo (Material) Bamboo (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: Rickshaw (Unit)
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 3x3
  • Properties: None

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Pillar Paths

Tech Movement Pillar Paths.png
Pillar Paths
Health: 100
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:4
Tech Group:Group 1
Chance to Appear:4%
Single Use: No

Tall log pathways that can be built across gaps but block traffic below.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Unlike other types of Movement technologies, Pillar Paths can be used to block off segments of the Biome.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 1x1
  • Properties: None

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TechGroup Combat.svg Combat

Combat technologies create combat Units capable of more effectively resolving disputes the hard way with your neighbors (or Beasts).

Archery Range

Tech Combat Archery Range.png
Archery Range
Health: 300
Builders: 6
Tech Group:Starting
Chance to Appear:8.7%
Single Use: Yes

Train archers that shoot arrows quickly.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Archers are ranged combat units that deal a small amount of damage at range. Their accuracy and range are somewhat limited, but they are useful in larger numbers.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material)
  • Consumes: Brave (Unit)
  • Produces: Archer (Unit)
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 4x4
  • Properties: Symbol None.svg
  • Unique Combinations:
Archery Range (Combat Technology) + Braided Rope (Passive Technology) = Longbow Archery (Unique Technology)
Archery Range (Combat Technology) + Bamboo Focus (Passive Technology) = Longbow Archery (Unique Technology)
Archery Range (Combat Technology) + Lightfootedness (Passive Technology) = Longbow Archery (Unique Technology)
Archery Range (Combat Technology) + Sprout Shades (Resources Technology) = Longbow Archery (Unique Technology)
Archery Range (Combat Technology) + Potted Bamboo (Resources Technology) = Longbow Archery (Unique Technology)

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Tech Combat Barracks.png
Health: 300
Builders: 6
Tech Group:Starting
Chance to Appear:9.6%
Single Use: Yes

A melee warrior equipped with a sword and shield.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Warriors are melee combat Units with decent attack and defense. Warriors are the most balanced and versatile combat Unit.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material)
  • Consumes: Brave (Unit)
  • Produces: Warrior (Unit)
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 4x4
  • Properties: Symbol None.svg
  • Unique Combinations:
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Log Tents (Shelter Technology) = Axe Barracks (Unique Technology)
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Sauna (Development Technology) = Axe Barracks (Unique Technology)
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Sharpened Axes (Passive Technology) = Axe Barracks (Unique Technology)
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Runed Axes (Passive Technology) = Axe Barracks (Unique Technology)
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Beast War Drum (Beast Technology) = Axe Barracks (Unique Technology)
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Adobe Oven (Resources Technology) = Shield Barracks (Unique Technology)
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Stone Mine (Resources Technology) = Shield Barracks (Unique Technology)
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Bricks Quarry (Resources Technology) = Shield Barracks (Unique Technology)
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Stone Soup (Passive Technology) = Shield Barracks (Unique Technology)

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Spear Laager

Tech Combat Spear Laager.png
Spear Laager
Health: 300
Builders: 6
Karma Cost:4
Tech Group:Group 1
Chance to Appear:7%
Single Use: Yes

Trains a spearman that can attack at a distance.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Spears are melee combat Units that attack targets twice as far away as other melee units.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material)
  • Consumes: Brave (Unit)
  • Produces: Spear (Unit)
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 4x4
  • Properties: Symbol None.svg
  • Unique Combinations:
Spear Laager (Combat Technology) + Defensive Spikes (Passive Technology) = Halberdier Garrison (Unique Technology)

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Rifle Casern

Tech Combat Rifle Casern.png
Rifle Casern
Health: 300
Builders: 6
Karma Cost:4
Tech Group:Group 3
Chance to Appear:5.2%
Single Use: Yes

Train a rifleman that shoots a powerful, direct shot.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Rifles are ranged units with long range that deal high damage per shot. Their accuracy and fire rate are lower than other ranged units to accommodate.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Blastpowder (Material) Blastpowder (Material) Logs (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material)
  • Consumes: Brave (Unit)
  • Produces: Rifle (Unit)
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 4x4
  • Properties: Symbol None.svg
  • Unique Combinations:
Rifle Casern (Combat Technology) + Cloudcatcher (Development Technology) = Whitebarrel Casern (Unique Technology)
Rifle Casern (Combat Technology) + Reefshot (Combat Technology) = Whitebarrel Casern (Unique Technology)
Rifle Casern (Combat Technology) + Seamine (Combat Technology) = Whitebarrel Casern (Unique Technology)
Rifle Casern (Combat Technology) + Lightning Totem (Protection Technology) = Whitebarrel Casern (Unique Technology)
Rifle Casern (Combat Technology) + Firetower Hearth (Development Technology) = Firelance Casern (Unique Technology)
Rifle Casern (Combat Technology) + Glassblower Dome (Resources Technology) = Firelance Casern (Unique Technology)

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Tech Combat Temple.png
Health: 300
Builders: 6
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group:Group 3
Chance to Appear:4.3%
Single Use: Yes

A priest that converts other units to our side, 5 at a time.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Priests have limited damaging attack strength, but are able to instead convert units from hostile villages to yours. Utilizing Priests is a little tricky, but generally as long as they're within range of a hostile Unit a Priest will start the conversion process. Units being converted sit down and have a book icon above their heads.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Fabric (Material) Fabric (Material)Blastpowder (Material) Logs (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material)
  • Consumes: Brave (Unit)
  • Produces: Priest (Unit)
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 4x4
  • Properties: Symbol None.svg
  • Unique Combinations:
Temple (Combat Technology) + Beast Incense Emitter (Beast Technology) = Incense Chapel (Unique Technology)
Temple (Combat Technology) + Incense (Passive Technology) = Incense Chapel (Unique Technology)
Temple (Combat Technology) + Incense Diffuser (Development Technology) = Incense Chapel (Unique Technology)

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Tech Combat Stable.png
Health: 300
Builders: 6
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group:Group 2
Chance to Appear:4.3%
Single Use: Yes

Train Beastmasters that can tame wild animals and ride them.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

While Braves can tame Beasts, they take quite some time to do so. Beastmasters are specialized for the taming of Beasts, and tame them much more quickly. They also have limited melee attack strength if needed.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Logs (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Logs (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material)
  • Consumes: Brave (Unit)
  • Produces: Beastmaster (Unit)
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 4x4
  • Properties: None

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Tech Combat Swordsmith.png
Health: 300
Builders: 3
Karma Cost:2
Tech Group:Group 5
Chance to Appear:7.8%
Single Use: No

Produces Warriors from Logs in a house attachment.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

The Swordsmith is the attachment form of the Barracks. While it doesn't produce Warriors as quickly, it can do so without converting a Brave and multiple Swordsmiths may be built.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Bamboo (Material)
  • Consumes: Logs (Material)
  • Produces: Warrior (Unit)
  • Special Placement: Attachment
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Attachment.svg Attachment: This structure attaches to a house and overrides its production.
  • Unique Combinations:
Swordsmith (Combat Technology) + Log Tents (Shelter Technology) = Axesmith (Unique Technology)
Swordsmith (Combat Technology) + Sauna (Development Technology) = Axesmith (Unique Technology)
Swordsmith (Combat Technology) + Sharpened Axes (Passive Technology) = Axesmith (Unique Technology)
Swordsmith (Combat Technology) + Runed Axes (Passive Technology) = Axesmith (Unique Technology)
Swordsmith (Combat Technology) + Beast War Drum (Beast Technology) = Axesmith (Unique Technology)
Swordsmith (Combat Technology) + Adobe Oven (Resources Technology) = Shieldsmith (Unique Technology)
Swordsmith (Combat Technology) + Stone Mine (Resources Technology) = Shieldsmith (Unique Technology)
Swordsmith (Combat Technology) + Bricks Quarry (Resources Technology) = Shieldsmith (Unique Technology)
Swordsmith (Combat Technology) + Stone Soup (Passive Technology) = Shieldsmith (Unique Technology)

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Tech Combat Bowyer.png
Health: 300
Builders: 3
Karma Cost:2
Tech Group:Group 5
Chance to Appear:7%
Single Use: No

Produces Archers from Bamboo in a house attachment.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

The Bowyer is the attachment form of the Archery Range. While it doesn't produce Archers as quickly, it can do so without converting a Brave and multiple Bowyers may be built.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Bamboo (Material)
  • Consumes: Bamboo (Material)
  • Produces: Archer (Unit)
  • Special Placement: Attachment
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Attachment.svg Attachment: This structure attaches to a house and overrides its production.
  • Unique Combinations:
Bowyer (Combat Technology) + Braided Rope (Passive Technology) = Longbow Bowyer (Unique Technology)
Bowyer (Combat Technology) + Bamboo Focus (Passive Technology) = Longbow Bowyer (Unique Technology)
Bowyer (Combat Technology) + Lightfootedness (Passive Technology) = Longbow Bowyer (Unique Technology)
Bowyer (Combat Technology) + Potted Bamboo (Resources Technology) = Longbow Bowyer (Unique Technology)
Bowyer (Combat Technology) + Sprout Shades (Resources Technology) = Longbow Bowyer (Unique Technology)

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Tech Combat Powderstack.png
Health: 400
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:2
Tech Group:Group 5
Chance to Appear:5.2%
Single Use: No

Produces riflemen from Blastpowder in a house attachment.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

The Powderstack is the attachment form of the Rifle Casern. While it doesn't produce Rifles as quickly, it can do so without converting a Brave and multiple Powderstacks may be built.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Bamboo (Material)
  • Consumes: Bamboo (Material)
  • Produces: Archer (Unit)
  • Special Placement: Attachment
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Attachment.svg Attachment: This structure attaches to a house and overrides its production.
  • Unique Combinations:
Powderstack (Combat Technology) + Cloudcatcher (Development Technology) = Whitebarrel Rifles (Unique Technology)
Powderstack (Combat Technology) + Reefshot (Combat Technology) = Whitebarrel Rifles (Unique Technology)
Powderstack (Combat Technology) + Seamine (Combat Technology) = Whitebarrel Rifles (Unique Technology)
Powderstack (Combat Technology) + Lightning Totem (Protection Technology) = Whitebarrel Rifles (Unique Technology)
Powderstack (Combat Technology) + Firetower Hearth (Development Technology) = Firelance Rifles (Unique Technology)
Powderstack (Combat Technology) + Glassblower Dome (Resources Technology) = Firelance Rifles (Unique Technology)
Powderstack (Combat Technology) + Enchanted Firejars (Passive Technology) = Firelance Rifles (Unique Technology)
Powderstack (Combat Technology) + Walker Firebombs (Beast Technology) = Firelance Rifles (Unique Technology)

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Tech Combat Spearsmith.png
Health: 200
Builders: 3
Karma Cost:2
Tech Group:Group 5
Chance to Appear:7%
Single Use: No

Produces spearmen from Bamboo in a house attachment.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

The Spearsmith is the attachment form of the Spear Laager. While it doesn't produce Spears as quickly, it can do so without converting a Brave and multiple Spearsmiths may be built.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Bamboo (Material)
  • Consumes: Bamboo (Material)
  • Produces: Spear (Unit)
  • Special Placement: Attachment
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Attachment.svg Attachment: This structure attaches to a house and overrides its production.
  • Unique Combinations:
Spearsmith (Combat Technology) + Defensive Spikes (Passive Technology) = Bardiche (Unique Technology)

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Tech Combat Whiptwister.png
Health: 300
Builders: 3
Karma Cost:2
Tech Group:Group 5
Chance to Appear:5.2%
Single Use: No

Produces Beastmasters from Food in a house attachment.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

The Whiptwister is the attachment form of the Stable. While it doesn't produce Beastmasters as quickly, it can do so without converting a Brave and multiple Whiptwisters may be built.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Bamboo (Material) Bamboo (Material)
  • Consumes: Food (Material)
  • Produces: Beastmaster (Unit)
  • Special Placement: Attachment
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Attachment.svg Attachment: This structure attaches to a house and overrides its production.

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Tech Combat Library.png
Health: 400
Builders: 3
Karma Cost:2
Tech Group:Group 5
Chance to Appear:5.2%
Single Use: No

Produces Priests from Fabric in a house attachment.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

The Library is the attachment form of the Temple. While it doesn't produce Priests as quickly, it can do so without converting a Brave and multiple Libraries may be built.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Fabric (Material) Fabric (Material)
  • Consumes: Fabric (Material)
  • Produces: Priest (Unit)
  • Special Placement: Attachment
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Attachment.svg Attachment: This structure attaches to a house and overrides its production.
  • Unique Combinations:
Library (Combat Technology) + Beast Incense Emitter (Beast Technology) = Incense Recepticle (Unique Technology)
Library (Combat Technology) + Incense (Passive Technology) = Incense Recepticle (Unique Technology)
Library (Combat Technology) + Incense Diffuser (Development Technology) = Incense Recepticle (Unique Technology)

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Grenadier Calefactor

Tech Combat Grenadier Calefactor.png
Grenadier Calefactor
Health: 300
Builders: 6
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group:Group 2
Chance to Appear:4.3%
Single Use: Yes

Train Grenadiers that throw bombs that do high damage to structures but minimal splash damage to units.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Grenadiers are useful combat units that deal a tremendous amount of damage, but can be slow to fire and a bit difficult to use effectively. Since their bombs travel in an arc, and they don't lead targets, they're best used on buildings and other stationary targets.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Blastpowder (Material) Blastpowder (Material) Blastpowder (Material) Blastpowder (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material)
  • Consumes: Brave (Unit)
  • Produces: Grenadier (Unit)
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 4x4
  • Properties: Symbol None.svg
  • Unique Combinations:
Grenadier Calefactor (Combat Technology) + Firetower Hearth (Development Technology) = Fire Bombs (Unique Technology)
Grenadier Calefactor (Combat Technology) + Enchanted Firejars (Passive Technology) = Fire Bombs (Unique Technology)
Grenadier Calefactor (Combat Technology) + Walker Firebombs (Beast Technology) = Fire Bombs (Unique Technology)
Grenadier Calefactor (Combat Technology) + Warding Apiary (Development Technology) = Bee Bombs (Unique Technology)
Grenadier Calefactor (Combat Technology) + Towering Bee-boxes (Unique Technology) = Bee Bombs (Unique Technology)
Grenadier Calefactor (Combat Technology) + Ceramic Workshop (Resources Technology) = Acid Bombs (Unique Technology)
Grenadier Calefactor (Combat Technology) + Ceramics Production (Resources Technology) = Acid Bombs (Unique Technology)
Grenadier Calefactor (Combat Technology) + Glassblower Dome (Resources Technology) = Acid Bombs (Unique Technology)
Grenadier Calefactor (Combat Technology) + Snail Bridles (Passive Technology) = Acid Bombs (Unique Technology)

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Grenade Wright

Tech Combat Grenade Wright.png
Grenade Wright
Health: 200
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:2
Tech Group:Group 5
Chance to Appear:5.2%
Single Use: No

Produces Grenadiers from Blastpowder in a house attachment.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

The Grenade Wright is the attachment form of the Grenadier Calefactor. While it doesn't produce Grenadiers as quickly, it can do so without converting a Brave and multiple Grenade Wrights may be built.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Clay (Material)
  • Consumes: Blastpowder (Material)
  • Produces: Grenadier (Unit)
  • Special Placement: Attachment
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Attachment.svg Attachment: This structure attaches to a house and overrides its production.
  • Unique Combinations:
Grenade Wright (Combat Technology) + Firetower Hearth (Development Technology) = Firebomb Wright (Unique Technology)
Grenade Wright (Combat Technology) + Enchanted Firejars (Passive Technology) = Firebomb Wright (Unique Technology)
Grenade Wright (Combat Technology) + Walker Firebombs (Beast Technology) = Firebomb Wright (Unique Technology)
Grenade Wright (Combat Technology) + Warding Apiary (Development Technology) = Beebomb Wright (Unique Technology)
Grenade Wright (Combat Technology) + Towering Bee-boxes (Unique Technology) = Beebomb Wright (Unique Technology)
Grenade Wright (Combat Technology) + Ceramic Workshop (Resources Technology) = Acidbomb Wright (Unique Technology)
Grenade Wright (Combat Technology) + Ceramics Production (Resources Technology) = Acidbomb Wright (Unique Technology)
Grenade Wright (Combat Technology) + Glassblower Dome (Resources Technology) = Acidbomb Wright (Unique Technology)
Grenade Wright (Combat Technology) + Snail Bridles (Passive Technology) = Acidbomb Wright (Unique Technology)

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Tech Combat Reefshot.png
Health: 400
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:4
Tech Group:Group 3
Chance to Appear:5.2%
Single Use: Yes

A cannon on the edge of the water that attacks approaching boats.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

A Reefshot is a structure that sits on a shoreline and will automatically defend it from any hostile units (boats or otherwise). It is, however, limited to shooting only in the 180° arc in the direction it is built.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Clay (Material) Clay (Material) Blastpowder (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Over Water
  • Footprint: 1x2
  • Properties:
Tech Passive Structure Safety.svg Placed Over Water: Can only be placed on a ledge partially over water.
  • Unique Combinations:
Rifle Casern (Combat Technology) + Reefshot (Combat Technology) = Whitebarrel Casern (Unique Technology)
Powderstack (Combat Technology) + Reefshot (Combat Technology) = Whitebarrel Rifles (Unique Technology)

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Tech Combat Seamine.png
Health: 50
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group:Group 3
Chance to Appear:5.2%
Single Use: No

A slow, floating mine that can be manually controlled and detonates when anything floats over it!
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Building a Seamine simply constructs the Unit. Built in the water, Seamines can be directed to sit in the path of incoming boats and will blow up on impact, instantly destroying it and killing all of the Units riding it.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Bamboo (Material) Fabric (Material) Blastpowder (Material) Blastpowder (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: Seamine (Unit)
  • Special Placement: Water
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Water.svg Placed in Water: Can only be placed on water.
  • Unique Combinations:
Rifle Casern (Combat Technology) + Seamine (Combat Technology) = Whitebarrel Casern (Unique Technology)
Powderstack (Combat Technology) + Seamine (Combat Technology) = Whitebarrel Rifles (Unique Technology)

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TechGroup Festival.svg Festival

Festivals are some of the most important Technologies available to discover, and can only be discovered at certain fixed points. After a certain number of other Technologies is discovered, a Festival Inspiration will appear above the Hearth and your Thinker will automatically return to it (if not commanded to do otherwise). Only four Festivals are available to discover during each Challenge: three unique to each Thinker, and one Festival that will complete the Challenge.

Log Bonfire


Boardwalk Arena




Arena Tower

Wood Landmark

Fabric Lanterns



Escape Sandsail

Royal Walker Carriage

Escape Balloon

Escape Rickshaw

Ceramic Tower

Snail Beckon

Flotsam Arena

Feasting Stew

Healing Coffer

Bannered Grove

Incense Memorial

Smoke Tower

Sky Lines

Water Bomb

Clay Fountain

Celebratory Firework

Skylamp Festival

Boardgame Challenge


Stone Chariot

Beast Spirit House

Buried Ruins

Stone Pyramid

Blessed Scaffolding

Resonant Panflute

Resurrection Totem

Skytrade Festival

Bamboo Telescope

TechGroup Unique.svg Unique

Unique technologies will never appear in a Biome during a Challenge, but instead must be unlocked during a Challenge by discovering both technologies necessary to develop. Some Unique technologies have several different combinations that can unlock them (usually based on a single production technology in combination with a different production technology), but others have only one formula to unlock them. One of the technologies involved in discovering a Unique technology is usually replaced by it (if chosen); it is possible to opt out of developing a given Unique technology if it would be difficult to build or any other reason it might be a worse option than the base Technology. The technology being replaced by the Unique technology is always the first one in the equation.

It is possible to unlock more than one Unique technology at a time; if this is the case, only one of them can be chosen.

For a list of Unique technologies, please see Technologies/Unique.

TechGroup Other.svg Other

The Technologies in this category don't fall into any of the above, and don't necessarily follow the same rules as other Technologies.

For a list of Other technologies, see Technologies/Other.