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TechGroup Unique.svg Unique

Unique technologies will never appear in a Biome during a Challenge, but instead must be unlocked during a Challenge by discovering both technologies necessary to develop. Some Unique technologies have several different combinations that can unlock them (usually based on a single production technology in combination with a different production technology), but others have only one formula to unlock them. One of the technologies involved in discovering a Unique technology is usually replaced by it (if chosen); it is possible to opt out of developing a given Unique technology if it would be difficult to build or any other reason it might be a worse option than the base Technology. The technology being replaced by the Unique technology is always the first one in the equation.

It is possible to unlock more than one Unique technology at a time; if this is the case, only one of them can be chosen.

Acid Bombs

Tech Unique Acid Bombs.png
Acid Bombs
Health: 300
Builders: 6
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: Yes

Grenadiers throw deadly acidic jars that do high damage to units but low damage to buildings.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Grenadiers spawned from this structure will be replaced with Acid Bombers. The damage done by the acid is much more effective against Units and Beasts, but less effective against structures.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Blastpowder (Material) Blastpowder (Material) Ceramics (Material) Ceramics (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material)
  • Consumes: Brave (Unit)
  • Produces: Acid Bomber (Unit)
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 4x4
  • Properties: None
  • Combinations to Discover:
Grenadier Calefactor (Combat Technology) + Ceramic Workshop (Resources Technology) = Acid Bombs (Unique Technology)
Grenadier Calefactor (Combat Technology) + Ceramics Production (Resources Technology) = Acid Bombs (Unique Technology)
Grenadier Calefactor (Combat Technology) + Glassblower Dome (Resources Technology) = Acid Bombs (Unique Technology)
Grenadier Calefactor (Combat Technology) + Snail Bridles (Passive Technology) = Acid Bombs (Unique Technology)

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Acidbomb Wright

Tech Unique Acidbomb Wright.png
Acidbomb Wright
Health: 300
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

Produces Acid Bombers from Ceramics in a house attachment.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

The Acidbimb Wright is the attachment form of Acid Bombs. While it doesn't produce Acid Bombers as quickly, it can do so without converting a Brave and multiple Acidbomb Wrights may be built.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Clay (Material)
  • Consumes: Ceramics (Material)
  • Produces: Acid Bomber (Unit)
  • Special Placement: Attachment
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Attachment.svg Attachment: This structure attaches to a house and overrides its production.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Grenade Wright (Combat Technology) + Ceramic Workshop (Resources Technology) = Acidbomb Wright (Unique Technology)
Grenade Wright (Combat Technology) + Ceramics Production (Resources Technology) = Acidbomb Wright (Unique Technology)
Grenade Wright (Combat Technology) + Glassblower Dome (Resources Technology) = Acidbomb Wright (Unique Technology)
Grenade Wright (Combat Technology) + Snail Bridles (Passive Technology) = Acidbomb Wright (Unique Technology)

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Axe Barracks

Tech Unique Axe Barracks.png
Axe Barracks
Health: 300
Builders: 6
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: Yes

Trains Axe Warriors that cannot block but do sweeping splash damage.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Warriors spawned from this structure will be replaced with Axe Warriors. Axe Warriors lose their shield, so they cannot block incoming damage, but they deal significantly more damage and can attack an area around them instead of a single target.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material)
  • Consumes: Brave (Unit)
  • Produces: Axe Warrior (Unit)
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 4x4
  • Properties: None
  • Combinations to Discover:
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Log Tents (Shelter Technology) = Axe Barracks (Unique Technology)
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Sauna (Development Technology) = Axe Barracks (Unique Technology)
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Sharpened Axes (Passive Technology) = Axe Barracks (Unique Technology)
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Runed Axes (Passive Technology) = Axe Barracks (Unique Technology)
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Beast War Drum (Beast Technology) = Axe Barracks (Unique Technology)

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Tech Unique Axesmith.png
Health: 300
Builders: 3
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

Produces Axe Warriors from Logs in a house attachment.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

The Axesmith is the attachment form of the Axe Barracks. While it doesn't produce Axe Warriors as quickly, it can do so without converting a Brave and multiple Axesmiths may be built.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Bamboo (Material)
  • Consumes: Logs (Material)
  • Produces: Axe Warrior (Unit)
  • Special Placement: Attachment
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Attachment.svg Attachment: This structure attaches to a house and overrides its production.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Swordsmith (Combat Technology) + Log Tents (Shelter Technology) = Axesmith (Unique Technology)
Swordsmith (Combat Technology) + Sauna (Development Technology) = Axesmith (Unique Technology)
Swordsmith (Combat Technology) + Sharpened Axes (Passive Technology) = Axesmith (Unique Technology)
Swordsmith (Combat Technology) + Runed Axes (Passive Technology) = Axesmith (Unique Technology)
Swordsmith (Combat Technology) + Beast War Drum (Beast Technology) = Axesmith (Unique Technology)
Sauna (Development Technology) + Wood Longhouse (Shelter Technology) = Axesmith (Unique Technology)

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Bee Bombs

Tech Unique Bee Bombs.png
Bee Bombs
Health: 300
Builders: 6
Karma Cost:4
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: Yes

Grenadiers throw jars of bees that do low damage but spread panic.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Grenadiers spawned from this structure will be replaced with Bee Bombers. The initial impact damage of a bee bomb is minimal, but enemy units in range of a swarm of bees are unable to fight and instead run around in a panic.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Blastpowder (Material) Blastpowder (Material) Blastpowder (Material) Blastpowder (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material)
  • Consumes: Brave (Unit)
  • Produces: Bee Bomber (Unit)
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 4x4
  • Properties: None
  • Combinations to Discover:
Grenadier Calefactor (Combat Technology) + Warding Apiary (Development Technology) = Bee Bombs (Unique Technology)
Grenadier Calefactor (Combat Technology) + Towering Bee-boxes (Unique Technology) = Bee Bombs (Unique Technology)

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Beebomb Wright

Tech Unique Beebomb Wright.png
Beebomb Wright
Health: 300
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

Produces Bee Bombers from Blastpowder in a house attachment.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

The Beebomb Wright is the attachment form of Bee Bombs. While it doesn't produce Bee Bombers as quickly, it can do so without converting a Brave and multiple Beebomb Wrights may be built.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Clay (Material)
  • Consumes: Blastpowder (Material)
  • Produces: Bee Bomber (Unit)
  • Special Placement: Attachment
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Attachment.svg Attachment: This structure attaches to a house and overrides its production.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Grenade Wright (Combat Technology) + Warding Apiary (Development Technology) = Beebomb Wright (Unique Technology)
Grenade Wright (Combat Technology) + Towering Bee-boxes (Unique Technology) = Beebomb Wright (Unique Technology)

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Brick Pie Oven

Tech Unique Brick Pie Oven.png
Brick Pie Oven
Health: 400
Builders: 3
Karma Cost:4
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

Bakes inedible Reeds into delicious pies.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Like its parent technology (the Bakery), the Brick Pie Oven consumes Reeds and converts them into Food. However, the Brick Pie Oven converts one unit of Reeds into two units of Food.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Bricks (Material) Bricks (Material)
  • Consumes: Reeds (Material)
  • Produces: Food (Material) Food (Material)
  • Special Placement: Attachment
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Attachment.svg Attachment: This structure attaches to a house and overrides its production.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Bakery (Food Technology) + Adobe Oven (Resources Technology) = Brick Pie Oven (Unique Technology)
Bakery (Food Technology) + Stone Mine (Resources Technology) = Brick Pie Oven (Unique Technology)
Bakery (Food Technology) + Bricks Quarry (Resources Technology) = Brick Pie Oven (Unique Technology)

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Buckets of Fish

Tech Unique Buckets of Fish.png
Buckets of Fish
Karma Cost:6
Tech Group: Group 5
Rarity: Unique
Chance to Appear: 100%

Throwing water produces a fish!
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Whenever a Brave tosses water to put out a fire, a Fish spawns. This is a somewhat unreliable method of generating Food.

Buckets of Fish is a rare Unique technology since it adds a Passive without replacing an existing technology.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Tech Unique Buckets of Fish.png Buckets of Fish: Throwing water produces a fish!
  • Combinations to Discover:
Shaduf (Protection Technology) + Fishing Tower (Food Technology) = Buckets of Fish (Unique Technology)
Shaduf (Protection Technology) + Fisherman's Warf (Food Technology) = Buckets of Fish (Unique Technology)
Shaduf (Protection Technology) + Fishing Net (Food Technology) = Buckets of Fish (Unique Technology)
Shaduf (Protection Technology) + Walker Fishing Platform (Food Technology) = Buckets of Fish (Unique Technology)
Shaduf (Protection Technology) + Haken House (Shelter Technology) = Buckets of Fish (Unique Technology)

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Ceramics Carver

Tech Unique Ceramics Carver.png
Ceramics Carver
Health: 300
Builders: 3
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

Create jars carved from stone.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

The Ceramics Carver can be exceptionally useful if you have a reliable source of Bricks, since Clay (the most common Material used to produce Ceramics) can only be produced using a single Resource technology that is single-use. Additionally, it can produce two units of Ceramics for each unit of Bricks consumed.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Bamboo (Material) Bricks (Material)
  • Consumes: Bricks (Material)
  • Produces: Ceramics (Material) Ceramics (Material)
  • Special Placement: Attachment
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Symbol Fire.svg Firefighting: A source of water to fight fires with.
Icon Placement Attachment.svg Attachment: This structure attaches to a house and overrides its production.
Tech Resources Ceramics Production.png Ceramics Production: A knowledge of how to produce ceramics.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Ceramics Production (Resources Technology) + Adobe Oven (Resources Technology) = Ceramics Carver (Unique Technology)
Ceramics Production (Resources Technology) + Stone Mine (Resources Technology) = Ceramics Carver (Unique Technology)
Ceramics Production (Resources Technology) + Bricks Quarry (Resources Technology) = Ceramics Carver (Unique Technology)

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Cliff Coffins

Tech Unique Cliff Coffins.png
Cliff Coffins
Health: 500
Builders: 3
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

Honor the dead with coffins along cliffsides to bolster your forces in the next Challenge.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Cliff Coffins allow you to carry one (or more) of your killed units into the next Challenge. These new units spawn as ghosts, which have only 1 hit point but can be useful to get an early start.

Cliff Coffins are functionally distinguishable from its parent Technology (Burial Mound) by the Materials needed to construct it.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Planks (Material) Planks (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Cliff Edge
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Bonus Requires Death.png Requires Death: One of your villagers has to have died for this to be built.
Icon Bonus Next Generation.png Next Generation: Honor your dead and see them return in the next Challenge.
Icon Placement Cliff Edge.svg Placed on Cliff Edge: Can only be placed on a cliff's edge.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Burial Mound (Development Technology) + Overhang (Movement Technology) = Cliff Coffins (Unique Technology)
Burial Mound (Development Technology) + Lumberjack (Resources Technology) = Cliff Coffins (Unique Technology)
Burial Mound (Development Technology) + Planks Workshop (Resources Technology) = Cliff Coffins (Unique Technology)

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Climbing Mushroom Log

Tech Unique Climbing Mushroom Log.png
Climbing Mushroom Log
Health: 100
Builders: 1
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

A log farm that grows mushrooms against a cliff that can be climbed.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

A Climbing Mushroom Log slowly produces Food at a constant pace, requiring little upkeep. In addition, if it is placed against a face with a surface at the top, units can use it to climb the face. Unlike Climbing Poles, however, the Climbing Mushroom Log will not extend to reach a higher face.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: Food (Material) Food (Material) Food (Material)
  • Special Placement: Inside Cliff
  • Footprint: 1x4
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Inside Cliff.svg Placed Inside Cliff: Can only be placed along a cliff face.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Mushroom Log (Food Technology) + Climbing Pole (Movement Technology) = Climbing Mushroom Log (Unique Technology)

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Combat Memorial

Tech Unique Combat Memorial.png
Combat Memorial
Health: 1000000
Builders: 6
Karma Cost:6
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

Honor the fallen with a mighty stone sword and pass those units on to the next Challenge.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Combat Memorials allow you to carry one (or more) of your killed units into the next Challenge. These new units spawn as ghosts, which have only 1 hit point but can be useful to get an early start.

The Combat Memorial is functionally distinguishable from its parent Technology (Burial Mound) by the Materials needed to construct it.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Bricks (Material) Bricks (Material) Fabric (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Bonus Requires Death.png Requires Death: One of your villagers has to have died for this to be built.
Icon Bonus Next Generation.png Next Generation: Honor your dead and see them return in the next Challenge.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Burial Mound (Development Technology) + Adobe Oven (Resources Technology) = Combat Memorial (Unique Technology)
Burial Mound (Development Technology) + Stone Mine (Resources Technology) = Combat Memorial (Unique Technology)
Burial Mound (Development Technology) + Bricks Quarry (Resources Technology) = Combat Memorial (Unique Technology)

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Coracle Dock

Tech Unique Coracle Dock.png
Coracle Dock
Health: 200
Builders: 6
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: Yes

A round, bamboo basket that fits just 1.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

A Coracle Dock produces Coracle, small 1-Unit boats. Coracle travel much faster than most other boats.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material)
  • Consumes: Bamboo (Material)
  • Produces: Coracle (Unit)
  • Special Placement: Water
  • Footprint: 2x4
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Water.svg Placed in Water: Can only be placed on water.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Totora Dock (Movement Technology) + Baskets (Passive Technology) = Coracle Dock (Unique Technology)
Totora Dock (Movement Technology) + Bamboo Focus (Passive Technology) = Coracle Dock (Unique Technology)
Totora Dock (Movement Technology) + Thatched Longhouse (Shelter Technology) = Coracle Dock (Unique Technology)
Totora Dock (Movement Technology) + Sprout House (Shelter Technology) = Coracle Dock (Unique Technology)
Totora Dock (Movement Technology) + Potted Bamboo (Resources Technology) = Coracle Dock (Unique Technology)
Totora Dock (Movement Technology) + Sprout Shades (Resources Technology) = Coracle Dock (Unique Technology)

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Covered Fishing Tower

Tech Unique Covered Fishing Tower.png
Covered Fishing Tower
Health: 300
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:4
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

A fishing tower that is covered by an awning so it can work during the rain.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

A Covered Fishing Tower has a small roof over it, enabling Braves to continue working while it's raining. (This assumes that you don't have Rattan Hats or a similar Passive.)

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Bamboo (Material) Fabric (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: Food (Material)
  • Special Placement: Over Water
  • Footprint: 1x2
  • Properties:
ItemFood FishNet.png Fishing Knowledge: Unlocks fish type technologies.
Tech Passive Structure Safety.svg Placed Over Water: Can only be placed on a ledge partially over water.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Fishing Tower (Food Technology) + Silk Loom (Resources Technology) = Covered Fishing Tower (Unique Technology)
Fishing Tower (Food Technology) + Canvas Press (Resources Technology) = Covered Fishing Tower (Unique Technology)
Fishing Tower (Food Technology) + Paper Workshop (Resources Technology) = Covered Fishing Tower (Unique Technology)

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Disguised Gift

Tech Unique Disguised Gift.png
Disguised Gift
Health: 200
Builders: 4
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

Present this bomb disguised as a gift and watch as it causes destruction upon your enemies.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Disguised as a Royal Gift, a Disguised Gift holds only Blastpowder. When a rival village accepts it, it explodes and damages all nearby Units and structures.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Blastpowder (Material) Blastpowder (Material) Blastpowder (Material) Blastpowder (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: Gift (Unit)
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties: None
  • Combinations to Discover:
Royal Gift (Development Technology) + Blastpowder Distillery (Resources Technology) = Disguised Gift (Unique Technology)
Royal Gift (Development Technology) + Blastpowder Boiler (Resources Technology) = Disguised Gift (Unique Technology)
Royal Gift (Development Technology) + Firebird Perch (Resources Technology) = Disguised Gift (Unique Technology)
Royal Gift (Development Technology) + Pellet Collector (Resources Technology) = Disguised Gift (Unique Technology)

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Efficient Clay Pit

Tech Unique Efficient Clay Pit.png
Efficient Clay Pit
Health: 50
Builders: 1
Karma Cost:6
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: Yes

Endlessly produce Clay without limits.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

The Efficient Clay Pit produces Clay from nothing, and continues to produce even if its most recently-produced unit of Clay has not been used.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: None
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: Clay (Material)
  • Special Placement: Mud or Grass
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Mud or Grass.svg Placed on Fertile Soil: Can only be placed on green grass tiles or mud.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Clay Pit (Resources Technology) + Adobe Oven (Resources Technology) = Efficient Clay Pit (Unique Technology)
Clay Pit (Resources Technology) + Stone Mine (Resources Technology) = Efficient Clay Pit (Unique Technology)
Clay Pit (Resources Technology) + Bricks Quarry (Resources Technology) = Efficient Clay Pit (Unique Technology)

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Tech Unique E-Fish-ency.png
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group: Group 5
Rarity: Unique
Chance to Appear: 100%

Fisheries no longer have to wait for their product to be taken before fishing again.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Typically when a basic Food production building finishes producing, it must wait until the Food is taken (or degrades) before producing again. E-Fish-ency removes that requirement, allowing fish-based Food production structures to produce endlessly.

E-Fish-ency is a rare Unique technology since it adds a Passive without replacing an existing technology.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Tech Unique E-Fish-ency.png E-Fish-ency: Fisheries no longer have to wait for their product to be taken before fishing again.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Fishing Tower (Food Technology) + Fisherman's Warf (Food Technology) = E-Fish-ency (Unique Technology)
Fishing Net (Food Technology) + Fisherman's Warf (Food Technology) = E-Fish-ency (Unique Technology)
Fishing Tower (Food Technology) + Fishing Net (Food Technology) = E-Fish-ency (Unique Technology)

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Fertilized Crops

Tech Unique Fertilized Crops.png
Fertilized Crops
Health: 50
Builders: 1
Karma Cost:6
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

Crop costs are replaced with Blastpowder but grow almost instantly.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Fertilized Crops shares many of its proeprties with its parent Technology, the Crop Row, with two notable exceptions. First, it is built with and consumes Blastpowder instead of Reeds; and second, its speed of growth is exponentially (one could say explosively) faster.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Blastpowder (Material)
  • Consumes: Blastpowder (Material)
  • Produces: Food (Material) Food (Material) Food (Material) Food (Material)
  • Special Placement: Grass
  • Footprint: 1x4
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Grass.svg Placed on Grass: Can only be placed on green grass tiles.
Tech Unique Fertilized Crops.png Fertilized Crops: Crop costs are replaced with Blastpowder but grow almost instantly.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Crop Row (Food Technology) + Blastpowder Distillery (Resources Technology) = Fertilized Crops (Unique Technology)
Crop Row (Food Technology) + Blastpowder Boiler (Resources Technology) = Fertilized Crops (Unique Technology)

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Fire Bombs

Tech Unique Fire Bombs.png
Fire Bombs
Health: 300
Builders: 6
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: Yes

Grenadiers throw firebombs that do low damage but spread destruction.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Grenadiers spawned from this structure will be replaced with Fire Bombers. The initial impact damage of a fire bomb is minimal, but they instantly light their target on fire.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Blastpowder (Material) Blastpowder (Material) Blastpowder (Material) Blastpowder (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material)
  • Consumes: Brave (Unit)
  • Produces: Fire Bomber (Unit)
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 4x4
  • Properties: None
  • Combinations to Discover:
Grenadier Calefactor (Combat Technology) + Firetower Hearth (Development Technology) = Fire Bombs (Unique Technology)
Grenadier Calefactor (Combat Technology) + Enchanted Firejars (Passive Technology) = Fire Bombs (Unique Technology)
Grenadier Calefactor (Combat Technology) + Walker Firebombs (Beast Technology) = Fire Bombs (Unique Technology)

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Firebomb Wright

Tech Unique Firebomb Wright.png
Firebomb Wright
Health: 300
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

Produces Firebomb Grenadiers from Blastpowder in a house attachment.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

The Firebomb Wright is the attachment form of Fire Bombs. While it doesn't produce Fire Bombers as quickly, it can do so without converting a Brave and multiple Firebomb Wrights may be built.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Clay (Material)
  • Consumes: Blastpowder (Material)
  • Produces: Fire Bomber (Unit)
  • Special Placement: Attachment
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Attachment.svg Attachment: This structure attaches to a house and overrides its production.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Grenade Wright (Combat Technology) + Firetower Hearth (Development Technology) = Firebomb Wright (Unique Technology)
Grenade Wright (Combat Technology) + Enchanted Firejars (Passive Technology) = Firebomb Wright (Unique Technology)
Grenade Wright (Combat Technology) + Walker Firebombs (Beast Technology) = Firebomb Wright (Unique Technology)

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Firelance Rifles

Fishing Dock

Tech Unique Fishing Dock.png
Fishing Dock
Health: 300
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

A long dock built over the water for fishing, closer to the water.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Fishing Docks produce Food about 1.5× faster than Fishing Towers.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Planks (Material) Planks (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: Food (Material)
  • Special Placement: Over Water
  • Footprint: 1x2
  • Properties:
ItemFood FishNet.png Fishing Knowledge: Unlocks fish type technologies.
Tech Passive Structure Safety.svg Placed Over Water: Can only be placed on a ledge partially over water.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Fishing Tower (Food Technology) + Lumberjack (Resources Technology) = Fishing Dock (Unique Technology)
Fishing Tower (Food Technology) + Planks Workshop (Resources Technology) = Fishing Dock (Unique Technology)

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Fish Pie

Tech Unique Fish Pie.png
Fish Pie
Health: 200
Builders: 1
Karma Cost:6
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: Yes

Slowly cooks a mighty pie. Turns just 2 fish into enough Food for 6 people.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

The Fish Pie can produce a lot of Food slowly using 2 units of fish, instead of Reeds. However, since it must be placed on the Hearth, a village may only have one Mighty Pie at a time. As long as there is Food available, the Fish Pie will continuously produce new Food.

Because the Fish Pie uses Food to produce, it is recommended to have a separate Food source in order to avoid soft-locking (e.g. blocking progress because it is not possible to produce more Food).

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Food (Material) Food (Material)
  • Consumes: Food (Material) Food (Material)
  • Produces: Food (Material) Food (Material) Food (Material) Food (Material) Food (Material) Food (Material)
  • Special Placement: Hearth
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Hearth.svg Hearth Attachment: Placed over your Hearth and blocks further Hearth attachments.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Mighty Pie (Food Technology) + Fishing Tower (Food Technology) = Fish Pie (Unique Technology)
Mighty Pie (Food Technology) + Fishing Net (Food Technology) = Fish Pie (Unique Technology)
Mighty Pie (Food Technology) + Haken House (Shelter Technology) = Fish Pie (Unique Technology)
Mighty Pie (Food Technology) + Fishmonger (Food Technology) = Fish Pie (Unique Technology)

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Focused Colporteur

Tech Unique Focused Colporteur.png
Focused Colporteur
Health: 300
Builders: 1
Karma Cost:4
Tech Group:Blueprint
Single Use: Yes

The Colporteur travels across the lands to the karma shop in search of a specific desired resource.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Unlike its parent Technology, the Focused Colporteur allows the player to choose which resource the Colporteur should bring back from the Karma Shop.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Roof (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: Random Resource (Material) (chosen)
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties: None
  • Combinations to Discover:
Colporteur (Resources Technology) + Canvas Press (Resources Technology) = Focused Colporteur (Unique Technology)
Colporteur (Resources Technology) + Paper Workshop (Resources Technology) = Focused Colporteur (Unique Technology)

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Tech Unique Foraging.png
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group: Group 5
Rarity: Unique
Chance to Appear: 100%

Braves spawned from houses sometimes spawn holding a random resource.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

In addition to the properties of its parent technology, Foraging causes Braves to have a small chance of spawning with a random resource as well.

Foraging is a rare Unique technology since it adds a Passive without replacing an existing technology.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Symbol Random Resource.svg Materials Produced (Random): This Passive technology enables a unit or structure to produce a random resource.
Tech Unique Foraging.png Foraging: Braves spawned from houses sometimes spawn holding a random resource.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Isolated Home (Shelter Technology) + Foraging Hut (Food Technology) = Foraging (Unique Technology)

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Frilled Overhang

Tech Unique Frilled Overhang.png
Frilled Overhang
Health: 500
Builders: 1
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

A round overhang that automatically connects to nearby access points.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Similarly to the Overhang, the Frilled Overhang can be built off the edges of cliffs to expand your buildable space. However, the Frilled Overhang will also automatically expand to bridge certain gaps, making it a much more versatile technology.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Bamboo (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Cliff Edge
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Cliff Edge.svg Placed on Cliff Edge: Can only be placed on a cliff's edge.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Overhang (Movement Technology) + Frilled House (Shelter Technology) = Frilled Overhang (Unique Technology)
Overhang (Movement Technology) + Rotunda (Shelter Technology) = Frilled Overhang (Unique Technology)
Overhang (Movement Technology) + Rattan Home (Shelter Technology) = Frilled Overhang (Unique Technology)
Overhang (Movement Technology) + Embedded Home (Shelter Technology) = Frilled Overhang (Unique Technology)
Overhang (Movement Technology) + Isolated Home (Shelter Technology) = Frilled Overhang (Unique Technology)
Overhang (Movement Technology) + Thatched Spire House (Shelter Technology) = Frilled Overhang (Unique Technology)
Overhang (Movement Technology) + Clay Spire House (Shelter Technology) = Frilled Overhang (Unique Technology)
Overhang (Movement Technology) + Snow Spire House (Shelter Technology) = Frilled Overhang (Unique Technology)

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Funeral Boat

Tech Unique Funeral Boat.png
Funeral Boat
Builders: 6
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

An honorary funeral that requires a boat and provides additional combat units in the next Challenge.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

A Funeral Boat allows you to carry one (or more) of your killed units into the next Challenge. These new units spawn as ghosts, which have only 1 hit point but can be useful to get an early start.

The Funeral Boat is functionally distinguishable from its parent Technology (Burial Mound) by the Materials needed to construct it.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Reeds (Material) Reeds (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Water
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Bonus Requires Death.png Requires Death: One of your villagers has to have died for this to be built.
Icon Bonus Next Generation.png Next Generation: Honor your dead and see them return in the next Challenge.
Icon Placement Water.svg Placed in Water: Can only be placed on water.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Burial Mound (Development Technology) + Totora Dock (Movement Technology) = Funeral Boat (Unique Technology)
Burial Mound (Development Technology) + Canoe Dock (Movement Technology) = Funeral Boat (Unique Technology)
Burial Mound (Development Technology) + Dragon Boat Dock (Movement Technology) = Funeral Boat (Unique Technology)
Burial Mound (Development Technology) + Sampan Dock (Movement Technology) = Funeral Boat (Unique Technology)

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Furnace Drawbridge

Tech Unique Furnace Drawbridge.png
Furnace Drawbridge
Health: 500
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:4
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

A long bridge that can be built across gaps powered by Blastpowder.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Furnace Drawbridges are able to raise and lower long bridges, allowing your Units to cross while restricting hostile units from attacking your village. Unit pathfinding will automatically adjust to use Furnace Drawbridges.

Unlike plain Drawbeidges, Furnace Drawbridges do not require a Brave to operate and instead operate autonomously.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Bamboo (Material) Blastpowder (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Cliff Edge
  • Footprint: 1x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Cliff Edge.svg Placed on Cliff Edge: Can only be placed on a cliff's edge.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Drawbridge (Movement Technology) + Blastpowder Distillery (Resources Technology) = Furnace Drawbridge (Unique Technology)
Drawbridge (Movement Technology) + Blastpowder Boiler (Resources Technology) = Furnace Drawbridge (Unique Technology)
Drawbridge (Movement Technology) + Blastpowder Refinery (Resources Technology) = Furnace Drawbridge (Unique Technology)
Drawbridge (Movement Technology) + Firebird Perch (Resources Technology) = Furnace Drawbridge (Unique Technology)
Drawbridge (Movement Technology) + Pellet Collector (Resources Technology) = Furnace Drawbridge (Unique Technology)

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Furnace Elevator

Tech Unique Furnace Elevator.png
Furnace Elevator
Health: 500
Builders: 3
Karma Cost:4
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

Build an elevator to lower elevations powered by Blastpowder.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Furnace Elevators are able to move Units up and down cliff faces. Unit pathfinding will automatically adjust to use Furnace Elevators.

Unlike plain Elevators, Furnace Elevators do not require a Brave to operate and instead operate autonomously.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Reeds (Material) Blastpowder (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Cliff Edge
  • Footprint: 3x3
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Cliff Edge.svg Placed on Cliff Edge: Can only be placed on a cliff's edge.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Elevator (Movement Technology) + Blastpowder Distillery (Resources Technology) = Furnace Elevator (Unique Technology)
Elevator (Movement Technology) + Blastpowder Boiler (Resources Technology) = Furnace Elevator (Unique Technology)
Elevator (Movement Technology) + Blastpowder Refinery (Resources Technology) = Furnace Elevator (Unique Technology)
Elevator (Movement Technology) + Firebird Perch (Resources Technology) = Furnace Elevator (Unique Technology)
Elevator (Movement Technology) + Pellet Collector (Resources Technology) = Furnace Elevator (Unique Technology)

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Halberdier Garrison


Tech Unique Hermitage.png
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group: Group 5
Rarity: Unique
Chance to Appear: 100%

Hermits no longer have to wait for their product to be taken before producing again.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Typically when a production building finishes producing, it must wait until the Material is taken (or degrades) before producing again. Hermitage removes that requirement, allowing certain production structures to produce endlessly.

Hermitage is a rare Unique technology since it adds a Passive without replacing an existing technology.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Tech Unique Hermitage.png Hermitage: Hermits no longer have to wait for their product to be taken before producing again.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Foraging Hut (Food Technology) + Weaving Hermit (Resources Technology) = Hermitage (Unique Technology)

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Incense Chapel

Incense Recepticle


Tech Unique Irrigation.png
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:4
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

Dig a canal in the earth to fertilize nearby soil at any elevation near a well.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Irrigation allows you to build a Canal at any elevation, rather than sea level, provided that one end is near a Well.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: None
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 1x1
  • Properties:
Icon Bonus FertilizingEdges.png Fertilizing Edges: Nearby soil becomes fertile.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Canal (Development Technology) + Well (Protection Technology) = Irrigation (Unique Technology)

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Longbow Archery

Tech Unique Longbow Archery.png
Longbow Archery
Health: 300
Builders: 6
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: Yes

Increases the range of archers but also increases time between shots.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Archers spawned from this structure will be replaced with Longbows. Longbows have significantly increased range compares to Archers, as well as dealing more damage.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Walls (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material)
  • Consumes: Brave (Unit)
  • Produces: Longbow (Unit)
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 4x4
  • Properties: None
  • Combinations to Discover:
Archery Range (Combat Technology) + Braided Rope (Passive Technology) = Longbow Archery (Unique Technology)
Archery Range (Combat Technology) + Bamboo Focus (Passive Technology) = Longbow Archery (Unique Technology)
Archery Range (Combat Technology) + Lightfootedness (Passive Technology) = Longbow Archery (Unique Technology)
Archery Range (Combat Technology) + Potted Bamboo (Resources Technology) = Longbow Archery (Unique Technology)
Archery Range (Combat Technology) + Sprout Shades (Resources Technology) = Longbow Archery (Unique Technology)

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Longbow Bowyer

Tech Unique Longbow Bowyer.png
Longbow Bowyer
Health: 300
Builders: 3
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

Produces Longbows from Bamboo in a house attachment.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

The Longbow Bowyer is the attachment form of Longbow Archery. While it doesn't produce Longbows as quickly, it can do so without converting a Brave and multiple Longbow Bowyers may be built.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Bamboo (Material)
  • Consumes: Bamboo (Material)
  • Produces: Longbow (Unit)
  • Special Placement: Attachment
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Attachment.svg Attachment: This structure attaches to a house and overrides its production.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Bowyer (Combat Technology) + Braided Rope (Passive Technology) = Longbow Bowyer (Unique Technology)
Bowyer (Combat Technology) + Bamboo Focus (Passive Technology) = Longbow Bowyer (Unique Technology)
Bowyer (Combat Technology) + Lightfootedness (Passive Technology) = Longbow Bowyer (Unique Technology)
Bowyer (Combat Technology) + Potted Bamboo (Resources Technology) = Longbow Bowyer (Unique Technology)
Bowyer (Combat Technology) + Sprout Shades (Resources Technology) = Longbow Bowyer (Unique Technology)

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Muddy Canal

Tech Unique Muddy Canal.png
Muddy Canal
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:4
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

Dig a canal in the earth to fertilize nearby soil and provide clay at sea level.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Digging a Muddy Canal provides fertile soil and Clay to an area that otherwise has another soil type. However, one end of a canal must be placed next to a water source.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: None
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: Clay (Material)
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 1x1
  • Properties:
Icon Bonus FertilizingEdges.png Fertilizing Edges: Nearby soil becomes fertile.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Canal (Development Technology) + Clay Pit (Resources Technology) = Muddy Canal (Unique Technology)
Canal (Development Technology) + Sturdy Shovels (Passive Technology) = Muddy Canal (Unique Technology)
Canal (Development Technology) + Fertilizing Termites (Development Technology) = Muddy Canal (Unique Technology)

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Pear Pie

Tech Unique Pear Pie.png
Pear Pie
Health: 200
Builders: 1
Karma Cost:6
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: Yes

Slowly cooks a mighty pie. Turns just 1 pear into enough Food for 6 people.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

The Pear Pie can produce a lot of Food slowly using 1 pear, instead of Reeds. However, since it must be placed on the Hearth, a village may only have one Mighty Pie at a time. As long as there is Food available, the Pear Pie will continuously produce new Food.

Because the Pear Pie uses Food to produce, it is recommended to have a separate Food source in order to avoid soft-locking (e.g. blocking progress because it is not possible to produce more Food).

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Food (Material)
  • Consumes: Food (Material)
  • Produces: Food (Material) Food (Material) Food (Material) Food (Material) Food (Material) Food (Material)
  • Special Placement: Hearth
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Hearth.svg Hearth Attachment: Placed over your Hearth and blocks further Hearth attachments.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Mighty Pie (Food Technology) + Pear Farm (Food Technology) = Pear Pie (Unique Technology)
Mighty Pie (Food Technology) + Beast Farmstalks (Beast Technology) = Pear Pie (Unique Technology)

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Petrified Wood Clay Pit

Tech Unique Petrified Wood Clay Pit.png
Petrified Wood Clay Pit
Health: 50
Builders: 1
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: Yes

Endlessly produce Clay and occasionally Logs.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

The Petrified Wood Clay Pit slowly produces Clay from nothing, and has a chance of producing Logs in addition to Clay.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: None
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: Clay (Material) Logs (Material)
  • Special Placement: Mud or Grass
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Mud or Grass.svg Placed on Fertile Soil: Can only be placed on green grass tiles or mud.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Clay Pit (Resources Technology) + Sharpened Axes (Passive Technology) = Petrified Wood Clay Pit (Unique Technology)
Clay Pit (Resources Technology) + Sturdy Shovels (Passive Technology) = Petrified Wood Clay Pit (Unique Technology)
Clay Pit (Resources Technology) + Log Tents (Shelter Technology) = Petrified Wood Clay Pit (Unique Technology)

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Plank Axes

Tech Unique Plank Axes.png
Plank Axes
Karma Cost:6
Tech Group: Group 5
Rarity: Unique
Chance to Appear: 100%

Chopping a tree yields a wood plank. It's raining wood!
— Kainga Encyclopedia

When a Brave cuts down a tree for Logs, Plank Axes gives each swing a high chance to spawn Planks.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effects:
Symbol Planks.svg Materials Produced (Planks): This Passive technology enables a unit or structure to produce Planks.
Tech Unique Plank Axes.png Plank Axes: Chopping a tree yields a wood plank. It's raining wood!
Symbol Planks.svg Planks Knowledge: Increases the chance of more wood Plank techs.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Runed Axes (Passive Technology) + Lumberjack (Resources Technology) = Plank Axes (Unique Technology)
Runed Axes (Passive Technology) + Planks Workshop (Resources Technology) = Plank Axes (Unique Technology)

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Plank Bridge

Tech Unique Plank Bridge.png
Plank Bridge
Health: 500
Builders: 4
Karma Cost:2
Tech Group:Group 4
Single Use: No

Plank wood briges that can be built across gaps.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Plank Bridges are exceptionally useful when connecting different parts of your territory together, and have virtually no length limit. Unlike Bridges, Plank Bridges are not affected by physics (and thus do not sag). Additionally, longer Plank Bridges require more Planks to build.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Planks (Material) Planks (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Cliff Edge
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Cliff Edge.svg Placed on Cliff Edge: Can only be placed on a cliff's edge.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Bridge (Movement Technology) + Lumberjack (Resources Technology) = Plank Bridge (Unique Technology)
Bridge (Movement Technology) + Planks Workshop (Resources Technology) = Plank Bridge (Unique Technology)

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Raised Paddy

Tech Unique Raised Paddy.png
Raised Paddy
Health: 200
Builders: 1
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

A farm in a raised brick bed that can be placed on any soil type.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Raised Paddies grow when flooded like Paddies, but can also be placed on any soil type rather than just mud.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Bricks (Material)
  • Consumes: Bricks (Material)
  • Produces: Food (Material) Food (Material) Food (Material) Food (Material)
  • Special Placement: Any Terrain
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Any Terrain.svg Placed on Any Soil: Can be placed on all soil types.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Paddy (Food Technology) + Adobe Oven (Resources Technology) = Raised Paddy (Unique Technology)
Paddy (Food Technology) + Stone Mine (Resources Technology) = Raised Paddy (Unique Technology)
Paddy (Food Technology) + Bricks Quarry (Resources Technology) = Raised Paddy (Unique Technology)

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Raised Reed Field

Tech Unique Raised Reed Field.png
Raised Reed Field
Health: 200
Builders: 1
Karma Cost:4
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

Grow a farm of Reeds in a raised bed that can be placed anywhere. Reeds cannot be eaten but are used or construction and production.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Raised Reed Fields can be used to grow a lot of Reeds quickly, but can be placed on any kind of soil instead of just dry soil.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Bricks (Material)
  • Consumes: Bricks (Material)
  • Produces: Reeds (Material) Reeds (Material) Reeds (Material) Reeds (Material)
  • Special Placement: Any Terrain
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Any Terrain.svg Placed on Any Soil: Can be placed on all soil types.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Reed Field (Resources Technology) + Adobe Oven (Resources Technology) = Raised Reed Field (Unique Technology)
Reed Field (Resources Technology) + Stone Mine (Resources Technology) = Raised Reed Field (Unique Technology)
Reed Field (Resources Technology) + Bricks Quarry (Resources Technology) = Raised Reed Field (Unique Technology)

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Round Umbrella

Tech Unique Round Umbrella.png
Round Umbrella
Health: 200
Builders: 5
Karma Cost:1
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

Attaches to the top of a round house to protect it from the elements.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Round Umbrellas raise the resistance of any Shelter structure they're built on to full. The structure must be considered a round house.

  • Prerequisites: Round Housing
  • Build Materials: Fabric (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Rooftop
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Bonus Rainproof.png Rainproof: Roof fully protects against rain.
Icon Placement Rooftop.svg Placed on Rooftop: Can only be placed on top of a Shelter structure.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Cliff Awning (Protection Technology) + Frilled House (Shelter Technology) = Round Umbrella (Unique Technology)
Cliff Awning (Protection Technology) + Clay Spire House (Shelter Technology) = Round Umbrella (Unique Technology)
Cliff Awning (Protection Technology) + Embedded Home (Shelter Technology) = Round Umbrella (Unique Technology)
Cliff Awning (Protection Technology) + Isolated Home (Shelter Technology) = Round Umbrella (Unique Technology)
Cliff Awning (Protection Technology) + Clay Huts (Shelter Technology) = Round Umbrella (Unique Technology)
Cliff Awning (Protection Technology) + Thatched Huts (Shelter Technology) = Round Umbrella (Unique Technology)
Cliff Awning (Protection Technology) + Log Tents (Shelter Technology) = Round Umbrella (Unique Technology)

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Shield Barracks

Tech Unique Shield Barracks.png
Shield Barracks
Health: 300
Builders: 6
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: Yes

Trains warriors carrying a tower shield to block attacks more frequntly.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Warriors spawned from this structure will be replaced with Shield Bearers. Shield Bearers deal less damage than Warriors, but are capable of blocking much more damage.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Chosen Walls (Material) Bricks (Material) Bricks (Material) Bricks (Material) Bricks (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material) Chosen Roof (Material)
  • Consumes: Brave (Unit)
  • Produces: Shield Bearer (Unit)
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 4x4
  • Properties: None
  • Combinations to Discover:
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Adobe Oven (Resources Technology) = Shield Barracks (Unique Technology)
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Stone Mine (Resources Technology) = Shield Barracks (Unique Technology)
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Bricks Quarry (Resources Technology) = Shield Barracks (Unique Technology)
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Stone Soup (Passive Technology) = Shield Barracks (Unique Technology)

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Tech Unique Shieldsmith.png
Health: 300
Builders: 3
Karma Cost:4
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

Produces Shield Bearers from Bricks in a house attachment.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

The Shieldsmith is the attachment form of the Shield Barracks. While it doesn't produce Shield Bearers as quickly, it can do so without converting a Brave and multiple Shieldsmiths may be built.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Bricks (Material) Bamboo (Material)
  • Consumes: Bricks (Material)
  • Produces: Shield Bearer (Unit)
  • Special Placement: Attachment
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Attachment.svg Attachment: This structure attaches to a house and overrides its production.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Adobe Oven (Resources Technology) = Shieldsmith (Unique Technology)
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Stone Mine (Resources Technology) = Shieldsmith (Unique Technology)
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Bricks Quarry (Resources Technology) = Shieldsmith (Unique Technology)
Barracks (Combat Technology) + Stone Soup (Passive Technology) = Shieldsmith (Unique Technology)

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Specific Foraging Hut

Tech Unique Specific Foraging Hut.png
Specific Foraging Hut
Health: 300
Builders: 1
Karma Cost:4
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: Yes

A hermit's hut that scavenges for food and one chosen resource.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Unlike the Foraging Hut, the Specific Foraging Hut produces Food and any one specific resource chosen by the player. All other features and properties remain the same.

  • Prerequisites: Shelter Technology
  • Build Materials: Bamboo (Material) Bamboo (Material) Logs (Material) Logs (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: Food (Material) Random Resource (Material) (chosen)
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 2x2
  • Properties:
Tech Food Foraging Hut.png Natural Boost: Production increases based on how many unharvested resources are nearby.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Foraging Hut (Food Technology) + Canvas Press (Resources Technology) = Specific Foraging Hut (Unique Technology)
Foraging Hut (Food Technology) + Paper Workshop (Resources Technology) = Specific Foraging Hut (Unique Technology)

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Speedy Beast Incense Emitter

Tech Unique Speedy Beast Incense Emitter.png
Speedy Beast Incense Emitter
Health: 800
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

Softly smelling incense slowly heals your people and speeds them up when they're nearby.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Any friendly units standing near a Beast with a Speedy Beast Incense Emitter attached to it will slowly regenerate any health lost, as well as move more quickly.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Bamboo (Material) Clay (Material) Clay (Material) Clay (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Small or Medium Beast
  • Footprint: None
  • Properties:
Icon Bonus Healing Vapors.png Healing Vapors: Heal all your wounds, both physical and mental.
Icon Placement Small or Medium Beast.svg Placed on Small or Medium Beast: Can only be placed on a Snail, Flathead, Totano, Firebird, or Mastadon.
Icon Placement Hearth Ring.svg Aroma: Improve the speed of your people while within this structure's radius of effect.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Beast Incense Emitter (Beast Technology) + Incense (Passive Technology) = Speedy Beast Incense Emitter (Unique Technology)
Beast Incense Emitter (Beast Technology) + Incense Diffuser (Development Technology) = Speedy Beast Incense Emitter (Unique Technology)

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Tech Unique Stairs.png
Health: 500
Builders: 1
Karma Cost:4
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

Sturdy steps lead up to higher elevations.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Stairs allow a steeper incline to be built than Climbing Poles, with a wider path. In addition, they can be built anywhere, rather than up against a cliff face. However, unlike the Climbing Pole, Stairs have a fixed height and are therefore less flexible in that regard.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Planks (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 1x4
  • Properties: None
  • Combinations to Discover:
Climbing Pole (Movement Technology) + Lumberjack (Resources Technology) = Stairs (Unique Technology)
Climbing Pole (Movement Technology) + Planks Workshop (Resources Technology) = Stairs (Unique Technology)

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Stone Arches

Tech Unique Stone Arches.png
Stone Arches
Health: 1500
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

A large stone bridge that can can also be built on.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Stone Arches are useful when connecting different parts of your territory together, and have virtually no length limit. However, they are restricted to connecting two cliffs together on the same plane and cannot change elevation. Additionally, longer Mud Arches require more Bricks to build.

Unlike Mud Arches, the surface created by Stone Arches can be built on.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Bricks (Material) Bricks (Material) Bricks (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Cliff Edge
  • Footprint: 1x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Cliff Edge.svg Placed on Cliff Edge: Can only be placed on a cliff's edge.
Tech Passive Structure Safety.svg Sturdy Bridges: Allows structures to be placed on the bridge.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Mud Arches (Movement Technology) + Stone Mine (Resources Technology) = Stone Arches (Unique Technology)
Mud Arches (Movement Technology) + Adobe Oven (Resources Technology) = Stone Arches (Unique Technology)
Mud Arches (Movement Technology) + Bricks Quarry (Resources Technology) = Stone Arches (Unique Technology)

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Towering Bee-boxes

Tech Unique Towering Bee-boxes.png
Towering Bee-boxes
Health: 400
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:5
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

A defensive ward that scares and distracts attackers and fertilizes nearby crops.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Towering Bee-boxes ward off smaller Beasts (such as Snails), which can be very useful if your village is located near a cluster of Beasts, as well as causing confusion among hostile Units. They also cause nearby terrain tiles to become green grass tiles.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Bricks (Material) Bricks (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: None
  • Footprint: 1x1
  • Properties:
Icon Bonus Affects Beasts.png Affects Beasts: Affects smaller Beasts in the area.
Icon Inspiration.png Affects Units: Affects hostile Units in the area.
Icon Bonus FertilizingEdges.png Fertilizing Edges: Nearby soil becomes fertile.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Warding Apiary (Development Technology) + Adobe Oven (Resources Technology) = Towering Bee-boxes (Unique Technology)
Warding Apiary (Development Technology) + Stone Mine (Resources Technology) = Towering Bee-boxes (Unique Technology)
Warding Apiary (Development Technology) + Bricks Quarry (Resources Technology) = Towering Bee-boxes (Unique Technology)

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Windmill Elevator

Tech Unique Windmill Elevator.png
Windmill Elevator
Health: 500
Builders: 3
Karma Cost:3
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

Build an elevator to lower elevations powered by wind.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Windmill Elevators are able to move Units up and down cliff faces. Unit pathfinding will automatically adjust to use Windmill Elevators.

Unlike plain Elevators, Windmill Elevators do not require a Brave to operate and instead operate autonomously.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Reeds (Material) Fabric (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Cliff Edge
  • Footprint: 3x3
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Cliff Edge.svg Placed on Cliff Edge: Can only be placed on a cliff's edge.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Elevator (Movement Technology) + Windmill (Protection Technology) = Windmill Elevator (Unique Technology)
Elevator (Movement Technology) + Windcatcher (Resources Technology) = Windmill Elevator (Unique Technology)

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Windmill Drawbridge

Tech Unique Windmill Drawbridge.png
Windmill Drawbridge
Health: 500
Builders: 2
Karma Cost:4
Tech Group:Group 5
Single Use: No

A long bridge that can be built across gaps powered by wind.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Windmill Drawbridges are able to raise and lower long bridges, allowing your Units to cross while restricting hostile units from attacking your village. Unit pathfinding will automatically adjust to use Windmill Drawbridges.

Unlike plain Drawbeidges, Windmill Drawbridges do not require a Brave to operate and instead operate autonomously.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Build Materials: Logs (Material) Bamboo (Material) Fabric (Material)
  • Consumes: None
  • Produces: None
  • Special Placement: Cliff Edge
  • Footprint: 1x2
  • Properties:
Icon Placement Cliff Edge.svg Placed on Cliff Edge: Can only be placed on a cliff's edge.
  • Combinations to Discover:
Drawbridge (Movement Technology) + Windmill (Protection Technology) = Windmill Drawbridge (Unique Technology)
Drawbridge (Movement Technology) + Windcatcher (Resources Technology) = Windmill Drawbridge (Unique Technology)

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Whitebarrel Rifles