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Materials are the basic elements that Braves use to build structures, units, and potentially other resources. Each Thinker spawns with some materials that would otherwise have to be harvested from resources or made.

Harvesting Resources

Braves can harvest resources for materials from the map on command. To do so, select one or more Braves then right-click on the resource in question. When hovering over a valid resource, the cursor will change to an axe symbol.

Crafting Materials

Some materials can be crafted instead of harvested. In addition, some materials can only be crafted, and cannot be found on the map. Most materials (other than Food) can be crafted in certain Resource technologies, and Food can be produced using Food technologies.

List of Materials

Symbol Bamboo.svg Bamboo

ItemBasket Bamboo.png
Harvestable: Yes
Degrades: Yes
Variations: No
Trade Value: 2

Bamboo is the rarest of the basic resources, but it is both sturdy and light, and used in a lot of more advanced or compact technologies.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Bamboo is usually found near Clay deposits in most biomes, but can also grow on any fertile soil. Bamboo is almost exclusively used to build structures, and isn't used by any technology as a consumable material.

Symbol Blastpowder.svg Blastpowder

Harvestable: No
Degrades: No
Variations: Yes
Trade Value: 5

A highly explosive resource used for all manner of fire-based mechanisms of war and conquest. Distilled from many different resources, some say it's the building blocks of life itself!
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Blastpowder is produced almost exclusively for use in weaponry, but has a few other advanced uses as well. If Blastpowder catches fire, it causes the flames to run out of control (even on terrain that doesn't typically burn, such as mud). Most technologies that consume Blastpowder run continuously, without intervention from the player or a Brave.

One variation form, Blastpellets, are produced by certain Beasts.

Blastpowder Variations
ItemBlastpowder Blastpellets.png
ItemBasket Blastpowder Blastpellets.png
Blastpowder Bowl

Symbol Bricks.svg Symbol Adobe Bricks.svg Bricks

ItemBasket Bricks.png
Harvestable: Yes
Degrades: No
Variations: Yes
Trade Value: 5

One of the most sturdy building materials, bricks offer many kinds of benefits when replacing a building material, although they have to be laboriously produced or harvested from ancient ruins.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Bricks can be used to replace most building materials and very often provide fireproofing or significant improvements to structure strength or health, but can be difficult to produce in sufficient quantities. Ruins offer a quick way to harvest Bricks, but don't provide very many Bricks relative to the time needed to harvest.

Adobe Bricks are essentially identical to Bricks, but are colored red.

Bricks Variations
Adobe Bricks
ItemBricks Adobe.png
ItemBasket Bricks Adobe.png
Stone Bricks
ItemBasket Bricks.png

Symbol Ceramics.svg Ceramics

Harvestable: No
Degrades: No
Variations: No
Trade Value: 3

Crafted jars, jugs, and other containers, the foundation of a civilization. Many assume they won't need ceramics then find themselves wishing they had them.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Ceramics are extremely useful materials. They can be used as a building material (particularly when paired with the Ceramic Roofs passive technology), traded, or even used to put out fires. When Ceramics are crafted, they spawn filled with water and can act as a source of water to control fires.

Symbol Clay.svg Clay

Harvestable: Yes
Degrades: Yes
Variations: No
Trade Value: 1

Clay is a sturdy resource but can be difficult to source. Usually found by the water's edge, it often blends in with its surroundings.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Clay can be found anywhere water or Snails are present on the map. In certain biomes, it is also sourced from anthills. Buildings made with Clay are generally more resistant to fire and wind, but crumble in the rain and snow.

Symbol Coconut.svg Coconut

Symbol Coconut.svg
Harvestable: Yes
Degrades: Yes
Variations: No
Trade Value: 1

Coconuts are very curious, and raise a lot of questions. When a coconut sinks into grassy soil, a new palm tree will sprout!
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Coconuts fall when certain trees are chopped down, and roll freely when bumped into. A few technologies utilize Coconuts, but they are otherwise just a feature of the biome. When left unmoved for a period of time, a Coconut will "degrade" into the ground and a tree will sprout in its place.

Symbol Dye Pot.svg Dye Pot

Symbol Dye Pot.svg
Dye Pot
Harvestable: No
Degrades: No
Variations: No
Trade Value: 5

Ancient dye pots that can teach you how to use new color combinations in the Skyloft! Get a brave to bring the jar to your campfire to unlock its secrets.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

One Dye Pot spawns during every Challenge somewhere in the Biome. They can be "harvested" by a Brave, who will automatically carry it back to the Hearth to unlock a new color combination for a Thinker's village. Once all color combinations have been unlocked, there is no value in continuing to seek out and retrieve Dye Pots.

Symbol Food.svg Food

ItemBasket Food.png
Harvestable: Yes
Degrades: Yes
Variations: Yes
Trade Value: 3

Food can be both natural and crafted and is in great variety in Kainga. Most food comes from structures found in the food category of technology.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Food is the most essential material, as it is required to produce new Braves (with the exception of the Silk Outfits passive technology). Having a reliable source of Food can mean the difference between success and failure. The only naturally-occurring Food resources are Snail eggs and Pears; most Food must be produced with a food technology.

Food Variations
ItemBasket Food Corn.png
ItemBasket Food Potatoes.png
ItemFood Fish.png
ItemBasket Food Fish.png
ItemFood Meat.png
ItemBasket Food Meat.png
ItemBasket Food.png
ItemFood Pear.png
ItemBasket Food Pear.png
ItemFood Meal.png
ItemFood Pie.png
Snail Egg
ItemFood SnailEgg.png
ItemFood Milk.png
ItemFood Seaweed.png
ItemBasket Food Seaweed.png
ItemFood Mushroom.png
ItemBasket Food Mushroom.png
Fish Net
ItemFood FishNet.png
ItemFood Bread.png
ItemBasket Food Bread.png

Symbol Logs.svg Logs

ItemBasket Wood.png
Harvestable: Yes
Degrades: Yes
Variations: No
Trade Value: 2

Logs are a basic resource of Kainga that are harvested from different trees. Although it takes a long time to chop, the support offered is unparalleled. Taller houses and structures require logs to be built.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Logs can be difficult to acquire in certain biomes, such as The Flatlands, making them a valuable addition to your territory. It is produced by only a limited number of technologies, and degrades if not used.

Symbol Reeds.svg Reeds

ItemBasket Reeds.png
Harvestable: Yes
Degrades: Yes
Variations: No
Trade Value: 1

Often the most abundant resource, reeds are the quickest resource to harvest and grow in dry grass and clay. Reeds don't offer much fire protection but can be thatched for solid snow and rain protection.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Reeds, despite their appearance, are a building material and cannot be used as food. As buildings with Reed roofs are very sensitive to fire, it is advisable to build these buildings spaced out (or think of the Chimneys passive Technology). However, these buildings tend to be very quick and cheap to build, and can be useful in the early game to start a Thinker's village.

Symbol Fabric.svg Symbol Lotus Fabric.svg Symbol Paper.svg Fabric

ItemBasket Fabric.png
Harvestable: Yes
Degrades: Yes
Variations: Yes
Trade Value: 5

Used in displaying your colors, as protection from rain, and for all manner of flair and banners, fabric is a very desirable construction material and trade good.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Fabric is a valuable resource; not just for its trade value, but because some of the most useful technologies require Fabric to build. Several festivals also require Fabric. It can be found naturally as lotus blossoms or crafted by certain resource or beast technologies.

Canvas Paper and Lotus Fabric are alternate forms of Fabric and can be used interchangeably with it.

Fabric Variations
Silk Fabric
ItemBasket Fabric.png
Canvas Fabric
ItemFabric Canvas.png
ItemBasket Fabric Canvas.png
Lotus Fabric
ItemFabric Lotus.png

Symbol Planks.svg Planks

ItemBasket Planks.png
Harvestable: No
Degrades: Yes
Variations: No
Trade Value: 5

As strong as logs but as nimble as bamboo, planks are the best of both worlds. This resource replaces the need for bamboo and strengthens your houses at the same time.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Planks can be used in place of Bamboo when building structures, and most technologies that produce Planks produce more than one set of Planks per Logs consumed. Players who utilize Planks will need to keep a careful eye on their supply of Logs, lest they run out of both materials at once!

Special Resources

Certain Technologies change what resource they need based on what is around the Hearth when it is built. They are selected at random based on the Resources available within the starting territory.

Symbol Chosen Walls.svg Chosen Walls

Symbol Chosen Walls.svg
Chosen Walls
Harvestable: Varies
Degrades: Varies
Variations: No
Trade Value: n/a

The first 2 resources from your house's construction resources.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

Chosen Walls are two random Materials, one chosen from the resources available around your Hearth when it is placed and the other fully at random (but will always be harvestable from a Resource available in the Biome). This selection can be changed through various Passive Technologies, and may not stay the same throughout a Challenge. The combination of the two resources determines what texture your structures will use for their walls.

Some Shelter structures lack Chosen Walls; for other technologies that use Chosen Walls, they will be the last Material plus one unit of Reeds.

Symbol Chosen Roof.svg Chosen Roof

Symbol Chosen Roof.svg
Chosen Roof
Harvestable: Varies
Degrades: Varies
Variations: No
Trade Value: n/a

The last resource from your house's construction resources.
— Kainga Encyclopedia

The Chosen Roof contains predetermined Materials based on the Shelter technology you have chosen. Although they may or may not be available immediately around the Hearth, they will always be harvestable from a Resource (which may or may not be immediately available in the Biome). This selection can be changed through various Passive Technologies, and may not stay the same throughout a Challenge.

Because of the way Chosen Roof materials are chosen, this may indicate anywhere from one to four individual Materials. The Chosen Roof is all Materials listed after the two (or more) Chosen Walls for the Shelter technology selected. For example, the Chosen Roof materials for the Snow Spire House are two Logs and one unit of Reeds. Each time another technology lists the Chosen Roof Material, it means those three Materials. However, the Tulou Townhouse only has one Reed for its Chosen Roof. Therefore, any Technology listing a Chosen Roof material when you have selected the Townhouse means only one Reed.

There are a few Shelter technologies that don't have a Chosen Roof material at all, such as Log Tents. In this case, the last resource listed is used as the Chosen Roof for other technologies. (eg. for Log Tents, this would be one unit of Reeds.) These Shelter technologies can be identified by their lack of any Chosen Walls build Materials.

Symbol Random Resource.svg Random Resource

Symbol Random Resource.svg
Random Resource
Harvestable: Varies
Degrades: Varies
Variations: No
Trade Value: n/a

A Random Resource can be any of the Materials listed above.